Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Parish Councillor Vacancy

NLPC currently have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

If you are interested in being co-opted onto the Parish Council then Please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.


You must either be on the 2018 Register of Electors for North Luffenham and/or during the previous 12 months prior to appointment by co-option, either have occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the parish or had their principal or only place of work in the parish, or have resided either in the parish or within 3 miles of the parish boundary.

Applications are required by 26th November 2018.

John Willoughby

Parish Clerk


Telephone: 01780 408288

HealthyRutland Grant Scheme

Rutland CC Healthy Grant Scheme aims to encourage projects which improve health and wellbeing, promote independence, and reduce the impact of long term health conditions.

Grants of up to £10,000 are available, and are welcomed from community groups, voluntary sector organisations, schools, parish and town councils.

For more information contact: or visit:

Planning Application 2018/0954/CAT

PROPOSAL: T1 and T2 Cherry trees to be re-pollard to previous points due to previous pollarding which has created a cycle of needed works before the epicormic growth becomes too large.
Sunny Knoll Farm Cottage 2A Digby Drive North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JS

Message from RCC re Fraud Alert

The Council has taken a large number of calls from residents who say they’ve been contacted by scammers posing as Council officers and asking for bank details over the phone. In some cases they are also claiming to work for the resident’s bank to extract this information.

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Our advice to resident’s is as follows and we would appreciate it if you could help to share these messages online, via social media or any other channels at your disposal:

  • Rutland County Council will never contact residents out of the blue to ask for their bank details
  • Anyone who does get a call from someone claiming to be from the Council and asking for bank details should hang up straight away – do not give out any personal information
  • They should then report the call to the national fraud reporting centre, Action Fraud on: 0300 123 2040 or online at:

We have already been in touch with our pool of local media and Leicestershire Police, who are supporting this.

Lastly, there is a news item on our website if you would like to link to this in your local communications: