Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Next Parish Council and Trust Meetings. Monday 28th January, 7pm, North Luffenham Community Centre

Please note the change of date for the next Parish Council meeting. This is because the original date set of Monday 21st January clashes with a RCC Council meeting where the main agenda item is the SGB Development.

Agendas for the meetings now scheduled for the 28th January 2019 will be published by 22nd January 2019


Rutland County Council’s December Cabinet Meeting on 18th December is to review the latest version of the Evolving Masterplan, together with the business case for a supporting bid to the national Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).

This will allow Cabinet to assess whether the Plan should be recommended to Rutland County Council’s January 2019 Full Council meeting for approval.

The Agenda and Reports for Cabinet on 18 December, including the latest version of the St George’s Evolving Masterplan, have been published and can be viewed online at:

The latest version of the Full Evolving Masterplan for St George’s, together with a shorter Executive Summary, can also be viewed and downloaded at:

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council and Trust Meetings held on Monday 3rd Dec 2018

Below are the draft minutes for the meetings mentioned above along with the meeting dates for 2019 through to April 2020

St Georges Barracks Development Update from RCC

Updated proposals for St George’s site

Updated proposals for the possible future redevelopment of St George’s Barracks have been published, incorporating a number of changes made following public consultation earlier this year. 

This includes a further reduction in the number of houses being suggested for the site. This figure has been revised and an updated plan for the site produced with provisions for 2,215 homes, business zones and green space.

Read more about this

St George’s Recommendations

Feedback gathered through the public consultation which took place on St George’s earlier this year helped to produce a series of more than 40 recommendations that are now guiding changes to proposals for the site.
See the full list of St George’s recommendations
A draft bid for national forward funding to help deliver improved infrastructure in advance of any redevelopment is being finalised. If secured, this Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) funding would be used to help improve local infrastructure and public services around St George’s – things like roads and transport.
Read more about this
Copyright © 2018 Rutland County Council, All rights reserved. 

Parish Councillor Vacancy

NLPC currently have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

If you are interested in being co-opted onto the Parish Council then Please contact the Parish Clerk for more information.


You must either be on the 2018 Register of Electors for North Luffenham and/or during the previous 12 months prior to appointment by co-option, either have occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the parish or had their principal or only place of work in the parish, or have resided either in the parish or within 3 miles of the parish boundary.

Applications are required by 26th November 2018.

John Willoughby

Parish Clerk


Telephone: 01780 408288

St George’s Barracks – Presentation to RCC Scrutiny Panel

On 11th October 2017, Paul Cummings (Chair NLPC) representing the SGB Advisory Group gave a presentation to the RCC Special Growth, Infrastructure and Resources Scrutiny Panel. The aim of the presentation was to highlight the concerns of of the villagers of North Luffenham, Edith Weston, Ketton, South Luffenham, Manton, Empingham and Normanton and to try to show the County Council some of the significant and unresolved flaws in their proposals to build a new town of 1,500 to 3,770 homes (a town larger than Uppingham) and a huge limestone quarry on the existing St George’s Barracks site. A copy of the presentation is attached.

Presentation Scrutiny Panel

On 26th November 2018, The County Council will be considering an application to the Government (Department of Housing Communities and Local Government)  for Housing Infrastructure Funds (HIF). We are concerned that such an application will inevitably lead to a Planning Application in 2019 to develop the site. Once this process has started in November it will be very difficult, and indeed probably impossible to stop. The proposals will see the site being turned into a massive construction site which could take up to 40 years to complete. It is the view of local Parish Councils that there remain many unresolved objections both as to principle and procedure. We believe that the current proposals are totally unsuitable for St George’s Barracks and that the County Council have isolated themselves and lost the confidence of those most affected and indeed much of the County. We believe RCC has an obligation to hear, diligently listen to and act upon the views, hopes and aspirations of its communities.

As noted in the conclusion to our presentation, “If the current proposal is the only one on the table, it deserves to be rejected out of hand. If a genuine root and branch alternative is considered possible, we trust you (RCC) will take our views into account from the outset, we stand ready to work together to find a solution that is Right for Rutland.”

Planning Application 2018/0954/CAT

PROPOSAL: T1 and T2 Cherry trees to be re-pollard to previous points due to previous pollarding which has created a cycle of needed works before the epicormic growth becomes too large.
Sunny Knoll Farm Cottage 2A Digby Drive North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JS


Further to our previous publication regarding an EGM on 20 Sep 18, please find attached a revised Agenda for the Parish Council EGM to be held on Thu 20 Sep at 8pm in the Community Centre.

PBG Cummings   Chair NLPC

NLPC EGM 20 Sep 18 – Agenda Amdt 1


The Parish Council’s St George’s Barracks Working Group will host a “Drop In” session in the School Hall this evening, Fri 14 Sep 18,  from 7pm – 9pm. Copies of the full consultation document will be available to read and members off the Working Group will be on hand to discuss some of the key issues that arise from the consultation document. All are welcome.