Category Archives: Parish Council Meetings

The latest meeting agendas and minutes issued by the Parish Council

Minutes – Annual Parish Meeting – 16 Apr 18

Please find below the Minutes and supporting papers for the Annual Parish Meeting which was held on 16th Apr 18.

Paul Cummings – Chair NLPC

Tel: 01780 720124 email:

Minutes – APM – 16 Apr 18


Chairman’s APM Presentation

crime figures for North Luff 2017-2018 yearly

RCC Presentation – St George’s Barracks


Extraordinary General Meeting – Parish Council – 10 May 18

There will be an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Thu 10 May 18 at 7.30pm  The meeting will be held in North Luffenham School Hub (Off the School Hall). The key elements of the meeting will be consideration of the format and expenditure for Village Day (20 May 18) and consideration of General Data Protection Regulation Policy Papers. Members of the Public are welcome to attend, however there will be no public forum at this meeting.



NLPC EGM 10 May 18 – Agenda NLPC Privacy Notice – Staff – Cllrs – Volunteers NLPC Data Breach Policy – May 18 NLPC Data Policy NLPC Data Protection Policy – May 18 NLPC Privacy Notice – Public NLPC SAR Policy – May 18 Village Day – Admin RCC-community-street-lighting-recharge-annotated

NLPC Extraordinary (Trust) Meeting: 09/04/2018

The Chairman of the Parish Council has called an ExtraordinaryMeeting (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field Garden) on Monday, 9th April 2018, immediately following the Extraordinary General Parish Council meeting, in the Community Centre.

Please review the Agenda for this meeting: NLPC-agenda-extraordinary-Trust-09.04.2018.

NLPC Extraordinary General Meeting: 09/04/2018

Further to the post on 02/04/2018, owning to delays associated with the Easter break it has been necessary for the Chairman to revise the Agenda for the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 9th April 2018 in the Community Centre commencing at 7pm.

Please disregard the previous version and review the revised Agenda for this meeting: NLPC-agenda-extraordinary-General-09.04.2018

North Luffenham Parish Council (Trustee) next meeting: 5th March 2018

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field Garden) will be on Monday, 5th March 2018, immediately following the Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre. The Agenda and associated paper is listed below.