Author Archives: North Luffenham

Burghley Park vs NLCC Friendly Match Report

North Luffenham Cricket Club First team today played the initial game of a series of weekend friendly matches, against Burghley Park at their almost impossibly picturesque pitch in the grounds of Burghley House with an excellent view over the roof tops of Stamford.

The team was a mixture of young blood and what might generously be termed “experienced” players…. A great day was had by all, the sun shone, Burghley laid on an excellent spread in their pavilion including home-made Guinness and chocolate cake and North Luffenham won 🙂

Action from the game:

Teams coming off of the pitch at the end of the match:

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Good Companions 2013 Events Calendar

Wednesday 6th March Hand massage & scarf tying
Wednesday 3rd April How to make a bird box
Wednesday 1st May Cooking demonstration followed by eating…
Wednesday 5th June Village History & photo sharing
Wednesday 3rd July Talk entitled ‘Living with Eskimos’ by a local resident!
Wednesday 7th August Sing-a-long with Allan Black
Wednesday 4th September An ‘off-the-wall’ gathering – bring along a treasure to talk about
Wednesday 2nd October Handicrafts with Pauline
Wednesday 6th November Making Christmas decorations
Wednesday 4th December Christmas lunch

In addition, the annual outing will be to Skegness on Wednesday 26th June. This is free to all over 60’s.

Other activities include the opportunity to go a little further afield to venues such as: Downtown, Foss Park, Wisbech Rose Fair & the Theatre.

Download or Print 2013 Event Calendar [pdf]

For more details please contact Evelyn via the Good Companions contact form.

via Evelyn Pickard, Good Companions

Open Day at Sailing Club this Saturday

Just a reminder that the Rutland Sailing Club Open Day is this Saturday.

I’ll be there in the afternoon with the Catamaran (and some of the other Cat sailors with their boats), if anyone is interested in that.

Also dinghy’s and larger sailing cruisers will be giving demo rides.

via Pete Burrows, Rutland Sailing Club

Coffee Morning for Marie Curie Cancer Care

Marie Curie Cancer CareOn Friday 31st May between 10am and 12noon there will be a Coffee Morning at the Fox and Hounds in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care by kind permission of Sian, George and Maz.

For more information please contact the website and your enquiry will be passed onto Eric Abell who is organising the Coffee Morning.

5/6/13 UPDATE: £240! was raised from the coffee morning.

via Eric Abell, Just Giving

photo by:

Choir sing their way to the tune of £600! for Stroke Association

Thanks to everyone who supported our Spring Time Songbook in Empingham Church on Saturday 18th May. We are delighted to have raised £600 for the Stroke Association.

Springtime Songbook Choir

Choir line-up for Springtime Songbook

If you were not able to make it, you can watch the concert below, or go to the Springtime Songbook playlist on the Chater Community Choir YouTube channel:

As we return to practices every Tuesday night in North Luffenham School, new recruits always welcome, no experience necessary! Next practice 11th June after the Whit break.

via Linda Burrows, Chater Community Choir

4 games in, 4 games won!!!

We are all very proud of our under 9’s who remain undefeated this season after a win against Nassington this morning.

Under 9s NLCC Team

Under 9s NLCC Team

The team was led by Ellen Marson this week.

Our 18 run win was assisted greatly by both sides, parents & villagers who showed brilliant support.

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Get involved with Springwatch 2013

SpringwatchThe BBC’s Nature extravaganza Springwatch will return to BBC2 on Monday 27th May at 8pm with a series of 12 episodes broadcast over a period of 3 weeks.

Here’s how you can keep up to date and participate with Springwatch over the next few weeks:

  • Read and comment on articles submitted to their Blog.
  • Join and upload your Nature photos to the Springwatch group on Flickr.
  • Follow the Springwatch twitter account, or search for the hashtag: #springwatch on twitter.
  • Connect with Springwatch on Facebook.

Do you have…I say, do you have a Cockerel missing?

A close resemblance to the missing Cockerel

The real missing Cockerel moved to fast for the camera, so this is a close…ish photofit resemblance to the Cockerel that has gone AWOL.

Foghorn Leghorn (aka a Cockerel) has taken up residence in the school field, and it has..I say, it has now outstayed its welcome!

It must belong…I say, it must belong to someone, and the school would really like to see it leave!

If you know who…I say, if you know who the Cockerel might belong to, please ask them to contact the school office on tel: 01780 720184 to arrange collection.

…That’s all folks!

Pub Quizzers raise £150 for MS Trust’s Be Bold in Blue

The Petanque team have not had the best of starts to the season with a couple of losses under their belts!

Wednesday May 1st saw us holding the M.S. Trust’s Blue Week quiz. As Colin & Janet Heasell were in charge of the questions, I got to take part and had great fun, joining the team that came second to Anty’s Mob.

The pub and Colin & Janet donated a few prizes and we held a raffle for them. With the money from the raffle and Anty’s Mob handing over their winnings to the cause, we raised £150 for the trust!

Thank you to everyone that came along and supported this and it was lovely to see two teams from South Luffenham too!

Home vs Stamford Under 13’s Cricket Match Report

Cricket BallNorth Luffenham Cricket Club under 13’s made a cracking start to the season on Thursday night, beating Stamford u13’s by 7 wickets, on the Oval.

They bowled out Stamford for 70 runs and knocked off the winning runs with one ball to spare.

Leading run scorer for the U13’s was Geordie Bingham, 14 not out.

via Bill Whittaker, Cricket Club

2013 Annual General Meeting for Carpet Bowls Club

Members of the Carpet Bowls Club are reminded that the AGM will be held on Monday 13 May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The Minutes of the last meeting are on the notice board in the Community Centre.

via Sylvia M Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Home vs Spalding Under 9’s Cricket Match Report

Cricket Bat at RestThe Under 9 cricket team got off to a flying start to the season on Sunday by securing a home win against Spalding by 30 runs 🙂

The home team were cheered on by villagers & parents who turned out in support & stopped for a cuppa!

The chilly conditions didn’t deter & it was a great all round game. We have a few shining stars of the future!

Our next home fixture will be on Sunday 12th May with all games starting at 10 am.

Fingers crossed for better weather this season, see you up on the oval!

via Sallyann Marson, Cricket Club

Good time to view the Planet Saturn

The Planet SaturnDuring late April and early May, the planet Saturn will pass through opposition, which means Saturn will be directly in line with the Earth and the Sun and will appear at its brightest, fully illuminated by the Sun.

Also the plane of Saturn’s rings is currently tilted in our direction, making them more prominent, adding to Saturn’s present brightness.

The weather looks very promising for a clear view of Saturn tonight, so take the opportunity while you can to view Saturn it is best, under the clear and less light polluted skies of Rutland.

For information on how to view the planet Saturn please read this observation guide.

via WB, Site Admin

Get growing for the Autumn Show!!

table of vegThe Garden Club Autumn Show is being held this year on Sunday September 15th – that may seem ages away but you can start your entries now!

Did you know that as well as the usual classes for fruit and veg we have a class for heaviest marrow, heaviest pumpkin and sunflower head with largest diameter (adult and children)? Get sowing this weekend and grow your entry, and get the kids involved too!

Did you also know that a new class was introduced last year for best ‘homemade alcoholic beverage’, so if brewing is your thing, make something in the coming months.

This year we have revamped the flower arranging classes – choose from:

  1. ‘A Celebration arrangement’ (accessories may be used.)
  2. ‘Simply Red’, an arrangement using plant material only i.e. Flowers, foliage, berries and twigs
  3. Small arrangement for a table.

And finally, if photography is your thing, get snapping – categories this year are Faces (any – people, animals etc), Flower Power, Village Life, Holidays, Light, Close up ( anything). Children (under 16 yrs old) can enter photos of all the above subjects which will be judged separately.

Full schedules should be available next month – to obtain one, please contact secretary Katy Ellis at the Garden Club.

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Please view the programme calendar for more Garden Club organised events in 2013.

sunflower heads

How’s the weather looking for the next 5 days?

Raining on Rutland Water

In case you haven’t noticed, our Village website now has a weather page courtesy of the Met Office, which displays the local 5 day forecast for North Luffenham… well Ketton really, but close enough!

Any questions or suggestions please contact the site administrator, unless of course you want to complain about the weather 🙂

Cricket Match Fixtures for May 2013

Cricket Ball

Cricket Deal Direct U9’s Fixtures

League Results

  1. Sunday 28th April – Home vs Spalding
  2. Sunday 5th May – Away vs Bourne
  3. Sunday 12th May – Home vs Billingborough
  4. Sunday 19th May – Away vs Peterborough B
  5. Sunday 26th May – Home vs Nassington

All games 10am starts

Team Manager

  • Sallyanne Marsons


U11’s South League

League Results

  1. Tuesday 30th April – Home vs Orton Park                          
  2. Wednesday 8th May – Home vs Uffington                     
  3. w/c 13th May – Away vs Uppingham                     
  4. Wednesday 22nd May – Home vs Uppingham (plate competition)
  5. Wednesday 29th May – Home vs Oakham Tigers

All games 6pm starts

Team managers

  • Bill Whittaker
  • Matt Butcher


Belinda Smith U13’s South League

League Results

  1. Thursday 2nd May – Home vs Stamford
  2. Tuesday 7th May – Away vs Ufford Park
  3. Thursday 23rd May – Home vs Oakham
  4. Wednesday 29th May – Away vs Ketton

All games 6pm starts

Team Manager

  • Bill Whittaker
  • Tim Osman


1st Team Burrough & District Evening League 2013

  1. Tuesday 30th April – Away vs Sproxton
  2. Tuesday 7th May – Home vs Whissendine
  3. Tuesday 14th May – Cup Round 1 – Home vs Thorpe Arnold
  4. Tuesday 21st May Home vs Great Dalby
  5. Tuesday 28th May – Home vs Barkby 2nd


1st Team Friendly Fixtures

  1. Saturday 11th May – Away at Empingham at 2pm
  2. Sunday 19th May – Home vs Laxton at 2pm

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Lovely Yoga Faces!

A Face Lift Yoga workshop was held in the sunny Inspire2tri studio on Saturday 20th April for people to try out yoga and learn about the benefits of yoga for the face.

A talk was included highlighting the negative effects of stress on the skin and face muscles and the session ended with a guided relaxation exercise.

Yoga Smiley Faces

This photo shows the lovely ladies of the Manton group basking in the sunshine with their faces all a-glow following the massage and yoga exercises.

The workshop was organised and ran by yoga teacher Deb King of Do-Yoga!

Find out about further workshops and regular classes held at their website –