Author Archives: Parish Clerk

North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre

North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre will reopen for essential waste from Tuesday 19 May 2020. The site will be open six days a week (Tuesday to Sunday), from 10am to 4pm. Waste should only be brought to the site if it cannot be stored safely at home or disposed of in other legitimate ways.

Wherever possible, we are asking people to continue using weekly kerbside waste and recycling collections, our Bulky Waste Collection Service or hold on to bulk waste for a few more weeks.

 A number of special measures will be in place to maintain social distancing and run the site safely. These include:

  • A temporary road closure and one-way system between Pilton crossroads and the village of Morcott. No access to North Luffenham HWRC from the direction of Morcott. Access will be maintained for residents
  •  A maximum of four vehicles unloading on-site at a time, with no more than two persons per vehicle
  • Visitors must observe social distancing and stay two metres away from each other and site staff at all times
  • The site will close for 15 minutes at 12.00pm, 2.00pm and 4.00pm each day so that it can be cleaned
  • No trailers will be accepted on-site because of the need to move vehicles in and out as quickly as possible
  • Visitors are asked to pre-sort their waste and separate out materials like metal, wood and plastics before traveling to the site
  • Staff at the site will provide instructions but cannot help to unload or put waste items into containers
  • Please see the attached frequently asked questions

NLPC Annual Parish Council Meeting and Trust meeting (both Virtual) Monday 18th May at 7pm

Please see below the Agenda and supporting papers for the above meetings. Details of the link to the virtual meetings will be posted next Monday

The link to the meeting is here:

Join with Google Meet: · Up to 250 participants

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 10

Dear resident,

Two opportunities to have fun are coming up; the bank holiday weekend and the 75th anniversary of VE day on 8th May. Rutland Radio is inviting everyone to get into the swing of the now virtual VE day and the Lord Lieutenant is encouraging us all to raise a cup (or glass) at 3pm on 8 May and cheer. Anyone who is active on social media can enjoy and interact with dedicated ‘VE Day 75 Rutland’ social media accounts set up in advance of the anniversary: · Facebook · Twitter · Instagram

Rutland County Museum and Oakham Castle both have special digital exhibitions marking VE Day 75 on their respective websites: and

Remember, though, the rules of lockdown. Keep to your own homes and gardens with only those you live with for any celebration, and social distancing also still applies. Only make essential journeys (sadly, visiting family isn’t essential) but have a super weekend.

A local service has been set up within the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland health area for anyone suffering a mental health problem. It’s a 24hr. help line and is open to anyone, including carers, simply call 0116 295 3060. If the matter is urgent, for example someone has taken an overdose, ‘phone 999 in the normal way. Public Health England also offer advice on mental health on–Ll_vwn0P3J4fldUe_27r6dRbSXsd3egtYzml5q6IgwKs6ygaAkigEALw_wcB

It’s only when something goes wrong, like toothache, that we realise what we are missing whilst in lockdown. Dentists are not, for obvious reasons, offering their normal services so the NHS has opened urgent dental centres. If you are in need of dental services ‘phone your dentist in the normal way or, if out of hours, call NHS 111. Do not go to A and E.

RCC is considering how it might be able to re-open a waste site but meanwhile it has resumed the bulky waste collection service. For more information go to

Some people, unfortunately, have lost their jobs as a result of lockdown but Jobcentre Plus is open, at least virtually. Go to for help.

Stay safe. Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

Temporary Change of Traffic Flow, North Luffenham Rd, Morcott from 18th May 2020

Please see the attached notice from RCC relating to the above road to allow the re-opening of the amenity site situated between North Luffenham and Morcott. It is to be made ‘one-way’ with the flow of traffic being from North Luffenham. A plan is attached to the notice.

Following representations, the notice has been updated. A revised notice is now attached showing a slightly revised route

An alternative route was suggested by NLPC as it seemed likely that a large number of vehicles would be accessing the CA Site from the north and driving down Edith Weston Road and then through the village.

The suggestion was that the direction to the CA Site was via continuing down Edith Weston Rd., Station Lane, turning right at the roundabout on the the A1621, South Luffenham, Morcott and turning right at Willoughby Rd. Glebe Rd, North Luffenham would be one way from Morcott to North Luffenham and vehicles would leave the CA Site by turning left and back through North Luffenham by Glebe Rd., Lyndon Rd. and Pinfold Lane. As there would be only one car exiting the CA Site at a time it would avoid a lot of two way traffic on Glebe Rd, The Settings, and at the bottle neck in Lyndon Rd.

Full details of the opening of the Civic Amenity site will be published later in the week including opening times and what waste wil be accepted

The Coach House South Luffenham

We’re new at The Coach House Inn, and we have a food takeaway app to order Sunday Lunch, Saturday Cooked Breakfast, and a range of ready meals for collection Wednesday to Saturday.

Call 01780 720 866, message us on the facebook page, or use the app at and choose your pick up time:

Ready meals: anytime Wednesday – Saturday

Saturday breakfast: 9am – 12pm

Sunday lunch: 12noon – 3.30pm

Looking forward to serving you.

Emma and Elliot

#fortheloveoffood #southluffenham #northluffenham #barrowden #ketton #morcott #edithweston 

NLPC Extraordinary Meeting (virtual) Tuesday 5th May 2020 @ 7.30pm

Please see below the agenda for the above meeting

The link to the vitual meeting

Join Google Meet video
Join by phone‪+44 20 3956 0124‬ PIN: ‪613 671 352‬#

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 9

Dear resident,

I have been signing off these newsletters with the words “stay safe” but I’m going to start with that this time.  Staying safe isn’t just about staying Covid free, it’s also about being safe whilst you are taking your daily exercise.  Residents have recently been contacting me to say they’ve noticed a lot more speeding on our roads since the lock down.  Less traffic seems to encourage those who are on the roads to speed and whilst I don’t know whether they are even Rutland residents can I urge you all to remember speed limits are there for a purpose –even temporary ones where the roads are being resurfaced—so keep to the limit and avoid accidents.  For more information see: Another safety issue concerns dog walkers.  Some of you walk your dogs on the St George’s Barracks site in Edith Weston/North Luffenham.  If you do please take VERY CAREFUL notice of the signage put up by the military.  The site is used for training the military dogs.  Military dogs are very well trained but if engaged in a training exercise might well see your pet, or even you yourself, as the enemy and it is not fair on the dogs’ handlers, or the army, to keep you safe if you have gone into an area you should not be in.  Stay safe –don’t go where you are not meant to be!

For those of you who use buses in Rutland please note, all operators are running a reduced service.  Check before you travel.  For those of you living in Empingham RCC is operating a free fixed time mini bus service for essential journeys between Oakham and Stamford.  You have to give at least one working day’s notice if you wish to use the service.  Call 01572 758138. 

I have said before that RCC’s Covid-19 pages are regularly being updated.  The latest is an additional section –a Young People’s page where, amongst other things, is a section on learning new skills.  In addition if you want information as a family on learning at home try Also, if you want to know which Council services are still running and which are not go to:

And finally a competition for you and your family to enter to celebrate VE day on 8 May

Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 8

Dear resident,

I hope you all had a happy Easter and the continuing lock down isn’t getting you down too much. Don’t forget if you know someone is on their own, give them a ring, it’s far more cheering than an e-mail.  Rutland council is continually updating its web pages and although the headings remain unchanged the content does change –promise.  Hospitals locally are currently coping very well but have noted a significant reduction in attendance at accident and emergency departments.  If you are ill ‘phone your general practitioner, 111 or, in an emergency, 999 –we don’t want people getting seriously ill or dying because they don’t want to be a burden on the health service at this time. 

There has been some confusion over whether cemeteries are open or not.  Government guidance is now that if you enter a cemetery, to visit a grave for example, social distancing rules apply.   However, the organisation who maintains the cemetery, whether parish or church, is responsible for it and for ensuring the rules are followed so it is their decision on whether to open it or not.  

The good news nationally is that coronavirus seems to be under control but that will only continue if we all follow the rules.  Only go out for collecting medication and essential shopping, and preferably no more than once a week, and then only one person from the household.  Only take one form of exercise outside the perimeters of your home once a day.  Do not undertake unnecessary journeys, whether by bike or car, and this includes visiting family and loved ones; even if you have baked them a wonderful cake!  And above all keep your distance when you are outside your home.  Remember, family groups are those you are currently living with not members of your family who you don’t live with but might see in the street –you must still keep your distance from them. Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Covid-19 Dentistry

All dentists have been advised to cease all face to face contact. A new directive has been issued that advises those with dental issues not to go to their GP or A&E, but to contact dentists that are participating in a triage service. A full list of dentists operating the triage phone service will be provided on the RCC website.

Covid-19 RCC newsletter 7

Dear resident,

First, a very happy Easter to you all.  I hope you are able to enjoy the weather safely and that those of you with children and grandchildren are keeping them entertained whist following the no socialising rules.  I’m missing my own daughter who was due to be spending the long weekend here in Rutland and sadly my contact with her is now only electronic.  Please don’t be tempted to visit grandparents or let your children play with children from another family; social distancing is still essential.  However, if you want something to amuse your children Visions Children’s Centre has come up with some ideas  as has Rutland Museum

Not all children are safe and happy, however, and RCC has recently issued a press release about safeguarding children.  Here is part of it “Since the introduction of social distancing measures, brought in to limit the spread of coronavirus, the Council has seen a drop in reports to their safeguarding team. Council experts are concerned that, despite this drop, cases of child abuse may be on the rise, with fewer opportunities for it to be seen, reported and stopped. They are calling on residents to help make sure children are kept safe. If you have any concerns or something doesn’t look right, please let us know. Across the county front doors are being kept closed. But our door is always open.  Residents are asked to look and listen out for signs that may indicate abuse:

*           Very young children being left on their own

*           Children looking dirty or not changing their clothes

*           Children are withdrawn or anxious

*           Aggressive or repeated shouting

*           Sounds of hitting or banging and things being broken

*           Children crying for long periods of time

*           Relatives denied access to talk to children by phone or video call

To report concerns about children’s welfare call 01572 758 407 or email <> .

If a child is in immediate danger call 999 and ask for the police.”

Despite this lovely weather please don’t be tempted beyond your own garden other than necessary food shopping, a medical appointment or your own exercise.  And don’t be tempted to have a house (or garden) party.  The NHS needs us to keep lockdown so it doesn’t become overwhelmed.  Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Covid-19 RCC newsletter 6

Dear resident,

Many of you will have read in the press that calls to national charity helplines for those suffering domestic abuse have increased significantly during our self-isolation period.  The Government has set up help for people suffering such abuse; it’s called The Silent Solution.  Victims dial 999 and when the operator asks which emergency they want the caller taps the ‘phone or coughs.  The operator will then prompt the caller to press 55 and the operator then directs the call to the relevant police force as an emergency.  Please let anyone you know who might benefit from this service; more information on Rutland’s Facebook page (see below).

We all love our pets and they bring many people great comfort in times like these but please remember, when you are out walking your dog clear up its mess.  Sadly we have seen an increase in dog mess in parts of Rutland.  Please do your best to keep our pavements, paths and countryside clean. 

If you are an individual or a business and have any Covid-19 questions and haven’t yet looked at RCC’s web site I would urge you to do so as it is being updated regularly.  You might also want to have a look at the Council’s Facebook page for up to the minute information.

Finally today I have a message from Alicia Kearns our MP. 

Dear Residents,

Thank you for all you are doing to keep our communities safe. I’m enormously grateful to you all for adhering to the Government guidance. In this pandemic each of us can save lives, simply by staying home.

Over the coming months our communities will lose people we love, people we used to wave at on the street, and those we hadn’t yet had the chance to get to know. We’re already mourning people this virus has taken from us.

Thank you for all you are doing to support each other. In particular an enormous thanks to all our keyworkers, from NHS Staff and Carers, to our Council Workers, Teachers, Refuse Men and Women, Delivery Drivers, and Shop Workers.

If someone is giving their all to support our local communities, please write to me and nominate them for a Rutland and Melton Unsung Hero Award. I’ve launched these awards to say thank you to those working tirelessly to protect our communities, and have already recognised Oakham School and Rutland Plastics for their substantial and heroic efforts.

Following Government advice my office’s ways of working are changing. I am working to come back to you as quickly as possible, but ask that you make all contact via email as I cannot guarantee that we will be able to respond to telephone calls or letters in a timely manner.

For frequent updates on new Government support for individuals and businesses to defeat COVID-19, and to sign up to my newsletter please email <> .

I remain completely committed to supporting every single one of you, together we can save lives and protect our communities.

Stay safe,


Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

NLPC and Trust Meetings Tuesday 14th April 2020 @ 7pm – virtual

Under new regulations allowed by central government Parish Council’s can now hold virtual meetings which members of the public can sign into. Attached are the agenda’s for the above meetings along with the finance papers.

If any resident would like to raise any issue with the Parish Council please can they email the clerk: prior to the meeting

A link to the virtual meeting will be posted on Tuesday 14th April so that any resident can observe the meeting.

Local Milk Deliveries from the Ahimsa Dairy, Manton

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic Ahimsa Dairy is running free weekly deliveries of fresh milk in the villages of Manton, Wing and North Luffenham.  Whole organic pasteurised or raw milk is available at a special subsidised price of £1.50 a litre throughout the lockdown period. 

For more details please contact:

Nikki mobile 07958 347629 or email

About Us

The Ahimsa Dairy Foundation is a not-for-profit company that was set up to provide entirely slaughter-free milk. At present our girls, who all have names, produce 23,000 of litres of milk a year. We distribute to the door in North West London and parts of Hertfordshire. We have drop-off points in other areas of London and the South-East and can distribute milk and other products when available nationally by mail. We also go to Queens Park and Islington London Farmers’ markets on Sundays and Stamford market on Fridays. Cows are retired to join their friends in the non-milking herd when they are past milking age where they spend their days eating grass and chewing the cud.

We are looking at a variety of ways of working with bulls. These range from ploughing the land to producing electricity and milling flour.

Our mission is to make slaughter-free milk a reality and establish sustainable dairy farms in Britain, which give people a real ethical choice.