Category Archives: General News

General news & information from the surrounding area.

Wake For Ken Forsyth

From Julie Abell

For those who knew Ken Forsyth of Oval Close, he sadly passed away recently.

His daughter Rachel has asked me to pass on an invitation to his wake on Thursday 22nd February at 12pm at Stamford Masonic Hall.

Nothing formal, a few words from his
son Ian, some lunch, and an opportunity to share memories of Ken.If anyone wants to come, they are very welcome. 

Rachel has asked that if you let me know if you hope to come so she can plan catering.

Julie 07866 741022

Community Service Award

Do you know of anyone who goes above and beyond for North Luffenham?

We would like to reward those with community spirit by awarding those who are voted by the community with a trophy and a £50 voucher to use at the Fox pub for a delicious meal and few celebratory drinks.

Nominations are now open with the nominations window closing on the 14th of February. The councillors will the shortlist the nominees and a community vote will be held. To nominate please fill out the form below and email to:

If you are unable to use emails, please contact the clerk via telephone on 01572 368344 or post (4 Greetham Road, Cottesmore, LE15 7DB), with a nominee, their contact details and the reason why you are nominating them. Please also provide your contact details so we are able to let you know if your nominee has been shortlisted.

Allotment Renewals and Applications

The 2024 allotment renewal letters have gone out via post and email today, so all who have an allotment, please keep an eye out for those letters. You will have until the 1st of Feb 2024 to respond with ALL the paperwork and payment, should this not be fulfilled your allotment may be given to someone else on the waiting list. Last year several allotment holders failed to sign the terms and conditions form, failure to do so this year could forfeit your allotment tenancy.

For those interested in applying for an allotment, please have a look at the form and terms and conditions below. Fill those out and email to the clerk who will add you onto our new waiting list – when you reach the top of the list (criteria based, not first come first served) the clerk will email you to offer any available allotments.

Printable Local Plan

We have created a printable version of the local plan available for people to use in order for the public to make comment. We have also created a word document version in which we have found is easier to use when searching for a specific topic as you can use the ‘find’ function found on the word ‘home’ tab.

You can find the local plan, it’s appendixes and it’s interactive map on the link below

The deadline for any comments is on the 8th of January 2024.

Reminder – Local Plan Consultation Tonight 6-9pm

Where: North Luffenham Community Centre.

When: 6pm to 9pm.

A reminder that there will be information on the Local Plan Consultation this evening in the Community Centre

Consultation closes on Monday, and so there are only 5 days left to make representations with your views.

This is the only public consultation stage that allows changes to the content of plan based on public input.

The plan does suggest changes to the Limits of Planned Development for North Luffenham, and also allocates a site for residential development, and so it is worth reviewing if only for these items that may impact the village.

There will be two paper copies of the Local Plan available to read, along with a multitude of laptops available to access the online interactive maps and to allow those, who wish, to make a comment on the day using the online portal.

Most importantly both County Councillors (one of which, I am sure you will know, is the leader of the council) will be in attendance to answer questions that you may have in relation to the local plan.

North Luffenham Parish Councillors will be in attendance to help with the online access only. They will not be answering questions about the Parish Councils response. This event is for the public to see the Local Plan and ask questions to the county councillors.

The draft Local Plan and all the supporting documents are available on the Ruland County Council website:

Damage to The Oval from quad bikes

On Sunday the 31st two quad bikes were seen on The Oval. Permission to use a quad bike on council land, parks and private land requires permission of the council or the owner: no such permission has been given by NLPC, as trustee, for The Oval. Apart from being unlawful it is antisocial behaviour, particularly as it was near the children’s play area.

Unless a quad bike is registered and have front and rear number plates it cannot use a public road.

The incident has been reported to the police. If residents see this happening please contact the police: to speak to a member of the Rutland South designated neighbourhood team please call 101 or 01162 222222
In an emergency call 999.

Local Plan Consultation 3rd January

Where: North Luffenham Community Centre.

When: 6pm to 9pm.

There will be two paper copies of the Local Plan available to read, along with a multitude of laptops available to access the online interactive maps and to allow those, who wish, to make a comment on the day using the online portal.

Most importantly both County Councillors (one of which, I am sure you will know, is the leader of the council) will be in attendance to answer questions that you may have in relation to the local plan.

North Luffenham Parish Councillors will be in attendance to help with the online access only. They will not be answering questions about the Parish Councils response. This event is for the public to see the Local Plan and ask questions to the county councillors.

The draft Local Plan and all the supporting documents are available on the Ruland County Council website: