Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 23rd August – 4th October

As you will be aware the North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group of the Parish Council have been developing the Neighbourhood Plan document, Planning Policies and background evidence for the North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan.

The Plan and Policies are now at the point where the residents of the Parish have the opportunity to review and comment on the draft (the official status is “Pre Submission”) plan.

You should have received details about the plan, and the consultation, via a leaflet drop.

The consultation period starts Tuesday 23rd August, and you can find the details of the consultation period, a downloadable copy of the draft plan, along with supporting documents on the Neighbourhood Plan page on the web site.

There is also a link to the online form for you to enter your views

This is your chance to provide feedback, and influence the plan. Once this consultation period completes, Rutland County Council will run a wider review, however this will be mainly around the legalities and background evidence for the plan – they will not comment on the actual planning policies in the plan, unless there are errors or unenforceable statements included in the text.

Please take this opportunity to provide your input. The Plan will be part of the decision making process for all planning applications submitted in North Luffenham Parish until 2036, and so it is very important that it accurately reflects the overall views of the residents.

North Luffenham Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan has been developed by North Luffenham Parish Council. The next stage of the process is a formal, six week, consultation on the draft plan.

The consultation period will run from 23rd August to 4th October 2022

This is the opportunity for villagers and other stakeholders to comment on the overall plan, and specifically on the planning policies included in the plan.

Please note the consultation goes live on the website on the 23rd August.

New Local Plan: Issue and Options Consultation

It is important that local communities respond to this consultation because it is an opportunity for you to have a voice in the development of the new Local Plan for Rutland.

North Luffenham Parish Council has approved a guide to the important questions and advice on responses to this consultation. Hopefuly residents will find it useful to guide them through a complex document which is on the Rutland County Council Website.

You may have different opinions; all comments are valid at this stage.

North Luffenham Parish Council Parish Council and Trust Meetings on Monday 15th August in the Community Centre at 7.30pm.

The agendas and papers are attached below


The weather’s forecast to be fair, the ladies of Luffenham are busy baking summer treats and the ingredients for the jugs of Pimms are ready & waiting to be blended for you to enjoy a relaxing afternoon @ the Cricket Pavilion. Do come along and while away an hour, chatting to friends old & new whilst raising much-needed funds for our local Charity – The Rutland Food Bank.

North Luffenham Parish Council Parish Council and Trust Meetings on Monday 18 July in the Community Centre at 7.30pm.

The agendas and papers for the meeting are attached below.

NLPC Annual Accounts and payments over £100

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I am pleased to advise that NLPC passed their annual internal audit with regards to Governance and Finances. Please find attached the finalised report along with a list of expenditure over £100. If any member of the public would like to examine the accounts then this can be done from 13th July 2022 to 23rd August 2022 by first contacting the Parish Clerk by email:

Vandalism to Chater Bridge : again

There has been further damage to the footbridge on the footpath from the Church to the Pilton Rail Bridge on Glebe Road. It is similar to the previous damage and one can only assume it is wanton vandalism.

If you do see any antisocial behaviour please contact the police. If you have information that might be helpful our beat officer, PC Icke, may be contacted by email:

North Luffenham Parish Council General and Trust Meetings 20th June 2022 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

The agendas and papers for the meeting are attached below.

How can we spend your money? Your ideas and suggestions wanted.

North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC) has funds from Community Infrastructure Levies (CIL). These payments are made when developments, such as houses being built, and the monies can be used for a broad range of facilities such as play areas, parks and green spaces, cultural and sports facilities. CIL monies were used following the Rosewood development to fund the new play equipment on The Oval.

NLPC would would welcome your suggestions as to how the present funds could be used to enhance facilities within the parish. Please send any ideas to the parish clerk:

Further information on CIL can be found on:

Reminder – Garden Club Meeting this Wednesday 8th June @ 7pm

This month we welcome our local Bee Expert, Mike Wyatt. Mike has lived in the village for many years and you will have seen him walking the lanes in his bee overalls – well now’s the the opportunity to find all about what he does and how you can help our bee community 😊

In addition, there will be the popular Garden Club Lottery plus signing up for July trip to Oundle and the beautiful Foxtail Lilly Gardens (Cutting Flower Garden & Vintage Florist). Please remember to bring cash for both… £2 per ball & £10 for the Trip on 13th July.

For further information about Foxtail Lilly – please see

New members still welcome to join on the night 👍

Antisocial Behaviour

Unfortunately there has been more antisocial behaviour in the parish. The newly installed benchdown Moor Lane has had some infantile daubings scrawled on it:

There was recently damage to play equipment on The Oval and to the wooden field bridge over The Chater. Previoulsy there was vandalism of the wall lights on the wall leading down to the school and church. The repair to the play equipment is quite costly and these may result in an increase in the precept.

Please report any suspicious behaviour to the police, who have been informed of the incidents and our beat officer can be contacted: