Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Notice from SGB re Dog Walking


Can I please advise that the North Luffenham Airfield will be placed out of bounds to all civilians.

This is due to military training being conduct outside of the usual training times for a continuous 48hr period. Please see below for dates and timings.

  • Training commencing – 1000hrs on 6th Sept 2020.
  • Training complete – 1600hrs on 8th Sept 2020.

We apologies in advance for any inconvenience cause.

Sgt P Miles

Permanent Staff Instructor

101 Sqn (Res).

Planning Application 7 Digby Drive

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

Reference: 2020/0877/FUL
PROPOSAL: Construction of new swimming pool and timber shed
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 23 September 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.
Please email any comments you wish to make to

RCC Local Plan Public Consultation

The Local Plan: A note from Cllr Gale Waller

You will be aware that Rutland County Council has entered its final public consultation stages on the Local Plan (the Plan which gives approval to housing and employment development sites such as at St George’s Barracks).  Details, including how to respond, can be found here: There is a help line for those of you who have difficulty viewing the on line documents through which you can book a slot to view hard copy at Catmose.  Many parishes are also offering residents the opportunity to view a hard copy in the parish.  Contact your parish clerk or chairman for information.  RCC is asking for responses (to be in by 9 October) via their on line form (large print is available from RCC) but you can send in a letter or an e-mail. Please contact me if you want further information:

Parish Council and Trust Meetings (Virtual); Monday 10th August 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers relating to the above meetings. A link to the meeting will be posted here next Monday. Here is the link:

Join with Google Meet ·


Is there anyone who could spare time to deliver the Benefice (ie, Church)  Magazine to fifteen houses in lower Ancaster Way?  The Magazine comes at the end of the month, and is distributed by volunteers in the ten villages in the Benefice, of which we, North Luffenham, are one.
We are very grateful to Valerie who has done this for years now, and wish her well.
If interested, please contact Mima Bolton, Acre End, The Jetties,, 01780-720906

RCC Covid-19 Newsletter

Dear resident,

I had hoped I wouldn’t be writing another covid newsletter but with the very recent news of Leicester City being put in lockdown I feel I must.  As I write Rutland still has very few confirmed cases or coronavirus related deaths but neither the local authority nor the police can legally stop people visiting our beautiful county and, unknowingly, bring the virus here.  So, to keep safe, the message remains: wash your hands frequently and thoroughly; social distance when going out and stay at home as far as possible.

Meanwhile Rutland County Council officers are working hard to keep us all safe and are also working very closely with colleagues in Leicester and Leicestershire, albeit virtually, to ensure we learn from what is happening in Leicester.  Therefore don’t expect things in Rutland to return to normal any time soon.  There are no plans to open libraries and the museum nor the CA site at Cottesmore (North Luffenham remains open) and day to day business such as reviewing parking problems will not be happening; the Council simply doesn’t have the capacity.  Rutland Council’s web page for Covid is regularly updated and offers useful information and the help line, 01572 729603, remains open during office hours.  Please feel free to contact me if you need any help. Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 6th July @ 7.30 pm (Virtual)

Please find attached the agenda and supporting papers for the above meetings which will take place virtually. A link to the meetings will be published on this website on Monday 6th July

Here is the link:

Join with Google Meet ·

North Luffenham Parish Council – Councillor Vacancy

We currently have a vacancy for two Councillors on the Parish Council. We have now been given permission to co-opt without an election. If you are interested in being co-opted on to the Parish Council and meet the following criteria then please contact the Parish Clerk for more information


You must either be on the 2020 Register of Electors for North Luffenham and/or during the previous 12 months prior to appointment by co-option, either have occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the parish or had their principal or only place of work in the parish, or have resided either in the parish or within 3 miles of the parish boundary.

Applications are required by 4th August 2020.

John Willoughby

Parish Clerk


Telephone: 01780 408288

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019-20

Please find attached the AGAR for North Luffenham PC which has been agreed and signed by the Internal Auditor appointed by the Leicectershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils

Also attached is a schedule showing all expenditure of £100.

The financial records of NLPC will be available for inspection from Monday 22nd June for six weeks. Please contact the clerk on 01780 408288 or email;

Notice of Temporary Road Closure – 15th July to 24th July

Please see the attached notice from RCC with regard to the night time closure of Station Road railway crossing to allow improvements to the track by Network Rail.

The night time closures will start from 9.00pm on the 15th July through to 7.00am on 24th July 2020.

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 11


Dear resident,

It has been a little while since I last wrote and we have seen some relaxation of the lockdown rules. We can now meet family and friends in our gardens; albeit with limited numbers and social distancing remaining. Many have returned to work and some returned to school. Year 6 children were particularly keen to return, judging by the statistics, no doubt because it is their last year at primary and many will be separated from friends as they move on to different secondary schools in September.

The opening of the civic amenities site has been a success and I would like to say thank you to the residents of North and South Luffenham for their forbearance in putting up with the additional traffic travelling to the site. Remember, though, if you have bulky waste to dispose of you can have that collected by RCC, some waste can go in the normal bins and some you can store till everything returns to normal.

If you run a B and B, a charity, a non-rated business or are a market trader you may be entitled to the Local Authority Discretionary Grant provided by central government. Total funds are limited and there is a system of prioritisation so read all the guidance before you apply, both that provided by government and that provided by RCC. Details can be found here under “Local Authority Discretionary Grant”.

Finally, Rutland Water partially re-opened this week and whilst they do not anticipate any problems whatsoever I have had people asking me about the potential for visitors to park on verges and cause a nuisance. As many RCC officers have been redeployed to covid related duties the Council will not have the staff to monitor the situation so if you encounter any real problem please feel free to get in touch with me.

Stay safe. Stay happy.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward