Author Archives: Parish Clerk

Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 1st July 2019 @7pm, Community Centre

Please find attached the agenda and supporting papers for next Mondays meetings of the Parish Council and Trust meetings

Annual Governanace and Accountability Return 2018/19

The above return has been sent to the external auditors for their review. Attached is a copy having been signed by the internal auditor and and confirmed by the Parish Council on Monday 20th May at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

In accordance with Council transparency rules the accounts for NLPC will be available for the public to inspect between 17th June and 27th July 2019. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to exercise this right. Contact details for the clerk are; or 01780 408288

Annual Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 20th May @7pm NL Community Centre

Please see below the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings.

Temporary Closure of Permissive Walkway

Due to the need to carry out weed control along parts of the permissive walkway that runs from Edith Weston Road round to the entrance to the allotments, the walkway will be closed from midday on Saturday 11th May 2019 through to midday on Monday 27th May 2019. The Parish Council apologises for any inconvienance that this may cause