Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019-20

Please find attached the AGAR for North Luffenham PC which has been agreed and signed by the Internal Auditor appointed by the Leicectershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils

Also attached is a schedule showing all expenditure of £100.

The financial records of NLPC will be available for inspection from Monday 22nd June for six weeks. Please contact the clerk on 01780 408288 or email;

Rutland County Council Meeting re Local Plan Consultation

There will be a virtual meeting of ‘The Growth and Infrastructure and Resources Committee’ via Zoom on Thursday 11th June at 7 pm. The main item of interest is Agenda Item 8. Under discussion is the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ and it is proposed to alter this so that it is mainly online. The obvious result is that people without access to, or are not familar with using IT, will not be fully informed or engaged.

A parish councillor of NLPC has submitted a deputation questioning how, in view of the proposed changes, residents can engage with consultations concerning the Local Plan, which has profound implications for the county and, in particular, North Luffenham.

Please follow this link to access the agenda, which has the proposals for the consultations on the Local Plan, and our parish councillor’s deputation:

To access the Zoom meeting:

NLPC Annual Parish Council Meeting and Trust meeting (both Virtual) Monday 18th May at 7pm

Please see below the Agenda and supporting papers for the above meetings. Details of the link to the virtual meetings will be posted next Monday

The link to the meeting is here:

Join with Google Meet: · Up to 250 participants

St George’s Barracks Development – Give Your Opinion

North Luffenham Parish Council have created a short questionnaire on the St George’s Barracks development; please click on the link below to give your opinion. This will enable us (the Parish Council) to give the villages’ viewpoint in the ongoing discussion with Rutland County Council. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete…

Answers will be anonymous; however, comments you add may be used by NLPC in communications regarding St George’s

NLPC Extraordinary Meeting (virtual) Tuesday 5th May 2020 @ 7.30pm

Please see below the agenda for the above meeting

The link to the vitual meeting

Join Google Meet video
Join by phone‪+44 20 3956 0124‬ PIN: ‪613 671 352‬#

Planning Proposal 2019/0736/FUL: Change of use of hardstanding from an airfield to B8 vehicle storage (retrospective)

Revised plans / proposals for the above application have been received by RCC.
The full details of the application are available to view on their website

Anny comments should be made by 9 May 2020
Planning applications are public documents and as such your comments will be available for public inspection.
Please email any comments you wish to make to

North Luffenham Parish Council will be responding seperately as one of the statutory consultees

Details of the application can be found via the link below

Parish Council Meeting tonight – Virtual Conference Details

After the recent approval of emergency legislation, North Luffenham Parish Council will be hold its first virtual meeting tonight at 7pm.

For members of the public to view the meeting, and ask questions in the initial public forum the Google Meet link below can be used

If you have problems with accessing the meeting, you can also connect via phone to listen into the proceedings on the number below

020 3956 5944‬ PIN: ‪921 752 750#‬

NLPC and Trust Meetings Tuesday 14th April 2020 @ 7pm – virtual

Under new regulations allowed by central government Parish Council’s can now hold virtual meetings which members of the public can sign into. Attached are the agenda’s for the above meetings along with the finance papers.

If any resident would like to raise any issue with the Parish Council please can they email the clerk: prior to the meeting

A link to the virtual meeting will be posted on Tuesday 14th April so that any resident can observe the meeting.

COVID-19 RCC newsletter 5

Dear resident,

I hope you are keeping well and cheerful.  It is good to see so many smiling faces when I take my daily constitutional.  Just two points today.  First, if you are clearing out please keep anything destined for the dump/charity shop till all our systems are back in operation.  Do NOT put extra bags out for the bin men.  Our refuse collectors are working under extreme difficulties at the moment and have been instructed to empty bins only.  They will NOT take additional bags. The second is that, as you know, children’s play areas are out of bounds but some anti-social people have been removing/damaging the signs which have been put out to explain this.  If you spot signs which are damaged/missing please contact your parish council. Look after yourself and if you need to contact me, or just want a chat, the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Oval Use – Social distancing and gatherings of more than 2 people

It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that there was a a group of children playing football on the Oval Recreation Ground this afternoon. We would kindly request that this does not happen again in accordance with the Government’s current guidelines. The more that people follow the current advice then hopefully the current restrictions will be lifted.

Thank you North Luffenham Parish Council

Covid-19 RCC Newsletter 3

Dear resident,

This is my third note during these difficult times and this time it is a plea.  Many people, understandably, are taking this period of forced isolation to have a good clear out.  That’s great but please store what you want to dispose of until the municipal waste sites and charity shops re-open.  Both were closed partly because of the need for social distancing but mainly because of the risk of staff becoming infected from the virus being on the goods disposed of/donated.  DO NOT leave goods outside the closed charity shops.  The charities will not be collecting these donations and their removal will be the responsibility of refuse collectors/street cleaners, both of whom will be at risk if the bags are contaminated.  Thank you for your co-operation.

We have all witnessed the courage of NHS staff, albeit for most of us through the medium of our TV screens.  We recognise their dedication and the risks to their own health this brings.  Can we also remember the dedication of staff working for Rutland County Council and give them a “thank you” too.  Like all employers Rutland Council has adopted home working where possible but not all staff can work from home nor follow safe working practices such as social distancing.  Staff answering your calls are in the office, refuse collectors cannot keep a safe distance from each other as they dispose of our waste and social workers, RCC’s Admiral Nurses and so on still visit people in their homes and like health service colleagues do not always have sufficient personal protective equipment.  So, if you see any of these folk going about their work give them a cheery wave –from a safe distance, of course!

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

North Luffenham Tip – Closed

Several people have been searching the vilalge web site for information on the status of the North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre (The Tip..)

This was closed on 20th March by RCC as part of the Coronavirus distancing measures. Its not known when it will open again

COVID-19 RCC Newsletter 2

Dear resident,

This is my second note during these difficult times.  Rutland County Council has recently announced additional on line support to businesses which can be found here Rutland County Council is now part of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP so their services are open to Rutland businesses. 

Our local health providers have also set up a web site which can be accessed here Stay isolating if you can and stay safe. If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Bus Services

Bus Services from Monday 23 March 2020 until further notice

Centrebus will be operating in Rutland as follows:

12 & 29 – For details see Centrebus website

747 – normal service

RF2 – normal service

9 – no service (see separate RCC notice)

146 – normal service

RF1 – may go to a two hourly service

47 – no service

For up to date information on all services please visit / @CentrebusLive


CallConnect services are operating as normal and the Booking Centre will open:

Mon-Fri 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Sat 8.30 am – 4.00 pm

Tel: 0345 263 8153 / / @callconnect

The above information is subject to change

COVID – 19 RCC newsletter

Dear resident,

I hope you are well and safe at this difficult time.  Rutland County Council is rising to the challenge of delivering essential services for residents but you will find changes to what is normally provided such as the closure of the municipal waste sites.  The Council is regularly updating its Covid-19 web pages, including explaining how Government announcements, for example on business rates, is being managed.  To find out more please go to  In addition for those of you who don’t subscribe the Council produces a free regular newsletter “Your Rutland” which also carries useful information.  You can subscribe here Remember, follow the social distance advice and stay safe.  If you need to contact me the details are below.

Gale Waller

County Councillor, Normanton Ward 01780 722169

Social Distancing reduces the spread of the Coronavirus and lessens the impact on the NHS

What is social distancing?

Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce the social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

They are:

  1. Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
  2. Avoid non-essential use of public transport, varying your travel times to avoid rush hour, when possible
  3. Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Please refer to employer guidance for more information
  4. Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs
  5. Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
  6. Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services

Everyone should be trying to follow these measures as much as is pragmatic.

We strongly advise you to follow the above measures as much as you can and to significantly limit your face-to-face interaction with friends and family if possible, particularly if you:

  • are over 70
  • have an underlying health condition
  • are pregnant

This advice is likely to be in place for some weeks.