Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Minutes of the NLPC and Trust Meetings held on Monday 22nd February 2021

Please find attached the minutes of the above meetings.

Please also note that the date of the next meetings have changed from Monday 22nd March to Monday 29th March 2021. This is to allow Cllrs to attend an RCC meeting in connection with the development of St Georges Barracks that has been scheduled for the 22nd March

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual). Monday 22nd February 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above mentioned meetings. For those wanting to attend here is the link:

Join with Google

Planning Application 2021/0071/CAT 7 Digby Drive, North Luffenham

The Town & Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012
PROPOSAL: T1 Lime Crown clean predominantly remove epicormic from the tree which
is now getting a little congested removing and crossing or rubbing branches. this will
allow for a climbing inspection to assess the overall heath of the tree. I till also improve
light levels for the neighboring property located beneath.
T2 Walnut , remove now touching not yet suppressing the adjacent trees no amenity
will be missed from the group and will enhance the Beech as a stand out future tree
allowing it to retain full form.
T3 Yew prune back into group as per red line on attached photo. This tree has grown
low over the vehicular access and is causing restrictions and conflict. I find that the
Yew will recover from this shaping and retain better form than a high crown lift to 5m.
T4 Acer SPP Statutory clearance crown lift to 2.5m/footpath and 5m/ highway.

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual) Monday 25th January at 7.30pm

Please find attached papers for the above meetings. The link to the meeting is here:

Join with Google

NLPC Newsletter

North Luffenham Parish Council (NLPC)

The Parish Council is continuing to have virtual meetings and members of the public can attend, and take part in the public forum, by clicking on the link that is published on the website along with the agendas – and you would be most welcome.

The Local Plan (LP) consultation ended last November and the parish council made a number of representations concerning the adverse impact that the proposed development at St. George’s Barracks (SGB) will have on the parish. An independent examination of the LP will take place, no date as yet, and NLPC have indicated that they would like to be heard at the oral examination on the representations that it has made.

Residents have expressed concern about the increase in the number and speed of HGVs, particularly along Edith Weston Road, and this was due to a large number of HGVs being parked on the SGB site without planning permission. NLPC made objections and at a Planning Committee Meeting at Rutland County Council one of our parish councillors and a resident made representations. These very much helped in the unanimous rejection of the retrospective planning application. There could possibly be an appeal but this is unknown at present.

Development of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) continues and many thanks to all who completed the survey and took part in the virtual presentations, which gave valuable feedback to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. 

In the light of those comments, the draft plan has been revised and before submission to RCC at the end of March will be distributed to residents for further comment. (There is a page on the village website on which comments can be made at any time). It is important to emphasise the NP belongs to the parish and will have significant influence on any development at SGB as well as conserving and enhancing that which the community values at present.

NLPC applied for and was awarded £10,000 for professional advice and project costs and this will greatly help in the development of the plan as well as alleviating any financial issue for the parish.

Unfortunately, work on the refurbishment of the Community Centre has not yet taken place due to Covid-19 and concern about costs for which the parish would have to be responsible. The issue of the costs have been resolved and hopefully when circumstances allow the work will begin.

NLPC liaises with the North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme and during lockdown they can be contacted on 07825 697841 or email: NLGNS, as previously, can help with collection of prescriptions but with vaccinations becoming available offer lifts to the vaccination centres.

Tim Smith. Chair of North Luffenham Parish Council.

North Luffenham Parish Clerk Vacancy


A challenging and interesting opportunity has arisen for a suitably experienced, enthusiastic and competent individual to be appointed as Clerk and RFO to North Luffenham Parish Council. The successful candidate will be required to work from home and will be provided with a laptop, software and printer.

The salary is in accordance with nationally based terms and conditions and is currently £10.62 per hour. Hours of work are 11 hours per week.

Responsibilities of the post include:

  • Advising Parish Council of policy issues and proper procedure.
  • All Parish Council administration and correspondence.
  • Arranging meetings, compiling agendas and producing the minutes of meetings.
  • Managing financial records, monitoring and reconciling the accounts, preparing accounts for audit.

The Parish Council is sole Trustee of the North Luffenham Field Gardens and Recreation Ground Charity and the Clerk would be responsible for dealing with all administration in connection with this.

You will need to be able to work flexibly, and attendance at evening meetings is essential. Some knowledge of council procedure is an advantage but essential training will be provided. In addition, support can be provided for further training towards the Certificate of Local Council Administration.

Applicants must have:

  • Experience of administration and financial management with sound word processing and spreadsheet management skills.
  • Ability to work to own initiative and to work with volunteers to achieve the Council’s objectives.
  • Good numeracy, oral and written communication skills

Please call Parish Council Chairman: Tim Smith on 01780 360083 or email for job description, person specification and further details.

Applications in the form of a CV and covering letter are invited by 5th February 2021 and should be sent to:

Tim Smith, Chair NLPC, The Old Poor Barn, 6a Church Street, North Luffenham, LE15 8JR

Closing date for applications: 5th February 2021

Interview dates: w/c 15th February 2021

Clerk commencement date: 1st Apr 2021 (Or earlier by negotiation)

HGV Storage at St Georges Barracks – Planning Permission Refused

I’m sure the majority of North Luffenham residents will be delighted to hear that the retrospective planning application to allow the storage of up to 400 HGV trailers, lorries and coaches at St Georges Barracks was last night refused by RCC’s Planning Committee.

Many thanks to all of the local residents who provided input, wrote objections directly to RCC, and assisted with the Parish Council submission.

Particular thanks should go to Tim Collins for initially bringing this to the attention of the Parish Council, and for his very detailed analysis of the ecological impact of the activity. This was one of the key points for the refusal, along with the Councillors understanding of the impact of the HGV traffic on the roads and residents of North Luffenham and Edith Weston

RCC Planning Application 2020/1375/FUL. 34 Butt Lane

PROPOSAL: Construction of upper floor extension over an existing ground floor

34 Butt Lane North Luffenham
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 2 January 2021. The details of the application are available to view on our website: by entering the reference number above.

RCC Planning Application 2020/1355/FUL

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
PROPOSAL: Proposed replacement dwelling. The Bungalow, Ketton Road, North Luffenham Rutland PE9 3UT
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 24 December 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number 2020/1355/FUL

NLPC and Trust Meeting (Virtual) 7th Dec 2020 @ 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings.

Here is a link to that meeting:

Join with Google Meet

Final Neighbourhood Plan Zoom Call

A reminder that your last chance to take part in the Zoom presentations on the Neighbourhood plan is this evening at 7:30pm.

The Neighbourhood Plan will cover planning rules in the Parish for the next 15 years, plus objectives and plans for issues such as speeding, parking and the environment in the Parish

Topic: North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 6352 3277
Passcode: 292804

Physical presentations are being worked on, however these are likely to be necessarily limited in the number of people that can attend due to the current Covid 19 restrictions. This means that the Zoom call will give you the best opportunity for information on the Plan, and the impact on the Parish

Neighbourhood Plan Zoom Meeting, 5pm Tonight

A reminder that there will be another chance to take part in the presentations on the Neighbourhood plan this evening at 5pm

The Neighbourhood Plan will cover planning rules in the Parish for the next 15 years, plus objectives and plans for issues such as speeding, parking and the environment in the Parish

Topic: North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 6352 3277
Passcode: 292804

Planning Application 2020/1213/FUL

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
PROPOSAL: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning application
2017/0008/FUL – Erection of 3 new dwellings.
Pasture House, Glebe Road, North Luffenham
An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 1 December 2020. The details of the application are available to view on our website by entering the reference number above.

Local Plan Consultation – Last Day, and Sample Submission

Today is the last day that you can make a representation on the draft Local Plan – it needs to be received by RCC by 4:15PM today

Other posts on the topic have outlined the issues and topics that are judged to be inadequate and should be challenged.

For those of you short of time there are two Word documents with representations included. Should you wish, you can download these, modify as you feel fit, complete the personal details (you cannot make anonymous submissions) and email to RCC at

Remember this needs to be completed by 4:15 PM today

North Luffenham Response to RCC Local Plan

Individually we make a difference. Together we can make all the difference.

As advised during last weeks Zoom call, the Parish Council and Local Plan group are offering advice and input to village residents responding to the Local Plan Consultation
Local Parish Councils, CPRE and the Fight4Rutland campaign group have analysed the draft Local Plan and identified areas they feel should be challenged on the basis of either not being legal, sound, positively prepared or in line with National Guidelines.

  • Flawed Consultation Process 
  • Inaccurate  Population Projections 
  • Promoting unustainable Development
  • Poor Location of development
  • Overstating the housing supply requirements for Rutland
  • Location of affordable housing
  • Impact on Rutland Water area
  • Lack of sustainable transport

As you can see its quite a list! 
These issues need to be raised as part of this consultation process, to be brought to the attention of the Independent Inspector for the plan
If these issues are not formally challenged the Inspector will not investigate and rule on them

An overview of the details of the issues found with the plan are here:

If you are one of the 90% of village residents opposed to RCC’s plan, please do one of the actions below before November 6th

If you are happy for Fight4Rutland to raise these issues on your behalf, as part of their representation, they can add your name to the list of people supporting their submission via this link: Add me to Fight4Rutlands Local Plan Submissio

If you would like to make your own submission to RCC, based on the information in Fight4Rutlands document, the details are here:
Firgh4Rutland Sample Representation

If you would like to see North Luffenham Parish Council’s Response to the Local Plan please click on the link below and please use the representations as a basis for your own.

If you need assistance with making your own submission, the Parish Council can help – email us on