Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council


The Good Companions Club is arranging a weekly “winter warmer drop in” at the Community Centre during the winter period, starting from Thursday 12th January, and thereafter every Thursday through to the 2nd March, between 1pm and 3pm.  We want to offer somewhere warm and inviting for anyone that wants to come along, with the promise of free tea/coffee/cake…and a great way to enjoy the company of fellow villagers.  If you have a jigsaw puzzle or reading books you’d like to swap, play cards and board games, or simply to spend a couple of hours in a warm place… it’s entirely up to you.  All are welcome, just come along on the day.

For anyone that would be willing to volunteer in helping out it would be hugely appreciated, please speak to Alison on 07769 322551 for more details.

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust Meetings on Monday 19th December 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre

Please click below for the agendas and associated documents

New NL Benefice Magazine Correspondent Needed!

Due to relocation out of the area, our current Magazine correspondent for North Luffenham – Liz Ritchie – is stepping down and we therefore need someone to take on the role.

This involves collating the information sent in regarding events & club activities being held within the village as well as any other relevant information. This is not an onerous task and is also a great way to get to know more people within the village! It requires about one half day per month and the odd phone call to event organisers.

Our thanks to Liz for all her hard work over the past year and we wish her & Jim all the best in their new adventure ‘up north’!

The deadline for the January issue of the magazine falls mid-month, on 15th December so it would be great to have someone in place by then.

Meanwhile, if anyone would like to know more about the role please contact Liz Ritchie before December 5th on 01780 720210 or email

Bonfire Night North Luffenham 2022

The annual Bonfire & Fireworks event hosted by North Luffenham Parish Council will be held on The Oval on Saturday 5th November 2022.

Doors Open 5.45pm; Bonfire lit 6.15pm; Fireworks 6.30pm

The Cricket Club will be running the BBQ (to raise funds to continue the good works on the wicket); Janet Whittaker & Judy Cade will be offering hot & cold refreshments from the Pavilion with home-made seasonal cake; Lin Burrows will be serving her specially prepared Mulled Wine with added Glo Sticks and sparklers. Charles Cade & Pete Burrows are in charge of lighting the fire & fireworks.

Our Chair of the Parish Council – Tim Smith – will be co-ordinating the important task of the ‘Donation bucket collection’. All this helps to offset the costs so please be generous to enable this event to continue. Please bring cash for the donations as it is difficult to set up card readers in the middle of a dark Oval!

Whilst The Scouts will be sporting high vis jackets and stewarding the perimeter and entry points, more volunteers are needed on the night to assist with ensuring a safe and enjoyable evening. 
If you can help, please contact any of the above teams or Charles Cade on 01780 720467.

Thank you 😉

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust

will next meet on Monday 17 October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

Agendas and papers are attached below:-

Community Safety Officer

There have been a number of upsetting incidents of antisocial and criminal behaviour in the village over recent times. The police have been involved and steps have been taken to deal with them.

If any resident has concerns, or has noticed suspicious behaviour, then the Community Centre Officer at Rutland Council can be conctacted: Any information supplied is confidential.

Extension to the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation.

The Consultation has been extended to the 14th October 2022; due to the death of the Queen and the period of mourning there were some loss of days and focus on the consultation.

There are already responses that potentially will result in alterations to the Plan, and so do not feel that the plan is a “Done Deal”, the Parish Council values your input, particularly your comments and will assess all input before finalising the plan. It will then be submitted to RCC and the Official Inspector.

The Plan and supporting documents, plus the online form for responses and comments can be found here:

Neighbourhood Plan | North Luffenham

Neighoubourhood Plan Consultation Ending Soon

Just a reminder that the consultation period for the North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan will end on Tuesday, October 4th, and so you only have a couple of days left to comment.

There are already responses that potentially will result in alterations to the Plan, and so do not feel that the plan is a “Done Deal”, the Parish Council values your input and will assess all input before finalising the plan and submitting it to RCC and the Official Inspector.

The Plan and supporting documents, plus the online form for responses and comments can be found here:

Neighbourhood Plan | North Luffenham

Consultation: Still time to take part.

Many thanks to all those who have taken part in the consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan. There is still time to take part; the consultation form and supporting documents are on the website

The paper copies that were distributed can still be returned in the stamped addressed envelope; if you have mislaid this than please contact and a replacement can be delivered.

Please come and find out more: Neighbourhood Plan

On screen Policies and Interpretation

The next exhibition of the draft Neighbourhood Plan is this Thursday the 15th from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Community Centre.

If you have any questions about the policies and/or completing the questionnaire that was posted to each household members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be on hand to help.

 A printed copy of all documents, along with display material presenting the draft plan, will be available for examination.

There will be a further exhibition on Wednesday 28th September 2.30pm – 4.40pm.

If you cannot make the exhibitions, the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and a form for your comments is available :

 The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Following the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth ll we are now in a period of public grief and national mourning.  The Parish Council is still waiting to hear exactly how public protocol will be applied at this time

However, this is to let you know that all formal meetings until after the Queen’s funeral are to be postponed. This means that our expected meeting on Monday 19th September will not now take place. While as a council, we would wish to show proper respect, it is the case that any decision made during a period of mourning may be subject to legal challenge.

I will keep you informed about when the council is next able to meet formally.

Tim Smith Chair NLPC

Want to know more?

The first exhibition concerning the Draft Neighbourhood Plan will take place this Saturday in the Community Centre from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. A printed copy of all documents, along with display material presenting the draft plan, will be available for examination.

Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be available to discuss and explain the draft plan with the aim of giving you a better understanding of the issues involved. There will be forms available for you to make your comments on the policies of the draft plan

There will be further exhibitions on Thursday 15th September 6.30pm – 8.30pm and Wednesday 28th September 2.30pm – 4.40pm.

If you cannot make the exhibitions, the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and a form for your comments is available on the website: