Category Archives: Parish Council Meetings

The latest meeting agendas and minutes issued by the Parish Council

Parish Council (Trustee) – next meeting

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council (as Trustee for The Oval and Allotment Field) will be on Monday July 11th 2016 at 8-30 pm in the Community Centre.  The Agenda and associated papers are shown below.

AGENDAfinTRUST(2) Clarification – Jul 16 (1) IF agenda(trust)


Next meeting of Parish Council

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council will be held at 7 pm on Monday July 11th 2016 in the Community Centre.  PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME.

The agenda and associated papers are shown below

AgendafinancePC IF agenda(general) RISKassessmentJULY16 Village Questionnaire for 11-17 1.1 VPquestionnaireadult Ward System(2)

Parish Council meeting on May 16th 2016

The next meeting of The North Luffenham Parish Council will be held on Monday May 16th 2016 at 7-30 pm in The Community Centre.  The agenda and associated papers are set out below

AGENDAfinPC(2) IF agenda(general) PC1516 Village Day – Planned Expenditure (1) VILLAGE DAY – Provisional Programme Village Plan Questionnaire 2.1

Annual Parish Meeting

North Luffenham’s Annual Parish meeting will be held at 7-30 pm on Monday April 11th 2016 in the Community Centre.  All residents of North Luffenham are welcome.  The Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer will be in attendance to answer any questions  concerning Parish Council affairs.  The agenda is shown below together with the Chairman’s report which will be considered at the meeting.


APMagenda16 Chairman’s Notes (1)

Next meeting of Parish Council as Trustee

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council acting as Trustee for the Oval and Field Gardens will be at 9 pm on Monday March 14th 2016 and the agenda and associated papers are shown below


AGENDAfinTRUST(2) BraddockWALLS caderequest IF agenda(trust) Thurlowinvoice

Next meeting of Parish Council

The next meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council will be on Monday March 14th 2016 in the North Luffenham Community Centre.  The agenda and associated papers are shown below


Achievementaward AGENDAfinPC(2) Grants Policy and Application IF agenda(general) Objectives – 2nd Draft PCC Application Village Plan Questionnaire draft 1 Working Hours Paper