Author Archives: North Luffenham

Cricket Club AGM on February 2nd

Cricket Club Crest

North Luffenham Cricket Club Crest

The Cricket Club will be holding their AGM on Sunday February 2nd @ 11am in the Cricket Pavilion.

All welcome – Agenda will be published beforehand, but will cover Junior Cricket, Nets, Club Finances and the coming seasons games.

There may also be an informal post AGM discussion in the Fox and Hounds afterwards 🙂

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

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  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Carpet Bowls Club End of Year Party

A party was enjoyed by players, family and friends at the community centre on 30 December. The hall was used to play games on the bowling mats. This was good fun as children and adults could compete on equal terms.

The kitchen came in useful serving drinks, hot and cold. Food was supplied by members of the club and laid out in the lounge for people to help themselves, which they did with gusto.

A separate table had to be brought into use for the delightful deserts. The lounge was able to seat everyone and old and new members had a re-union chatting, and eating.

Everyone helped to clear up after the festivities and thanks was given to all those who contributed.

A happy new year was wished by all to everyone.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Find out more about what the Parish Council is doing for your village and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Was your New Year resolution to learn something new?

New College StamfordIt’s that time again when you can apply for the adult evening classes at Stamford College.

via Linda Burrows, Knit and Knatter

Find out what’s happening in the village this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“Behind the Candelabra” Uppingham Film Night Out

Just a reminder that our next film night is tomorrow Wednesday, January 8th. (As ever, the second Wednesday of the month in the Town Hall – although as a one-off it will be the 3rd Wednesday in March – with doors opening at 7 and tickets for sale on the door for £5).

Do bring friends, a bottle, nibbles etc. – we will supply our usual bakery offerings, but alas no fizz this time!

This month’s film is Behind the Candelabra, which had good reviews and should have something for everyone to enjoy – fun & frippery, and serious drama. We very much look forward to welcoming you along to our first film of the new year.

Behind the Candelabra (Official website, reviews: RT, IMDb, The Telegraph) – the darkly comic biopic about Liberace and his relationships – January 8th

➡ Follow Uppingham Film Night Out on Facebook.

Susie Burrows, The Uppingham Town Partnership

For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

The “Dirty Cowboys” to play at the Fox & Hounds

On Saturday 11th January we have more live music with the Dirty Cowboys at the Fox & Hounds.

Another local band with a big following.

Free entry as always.

via Maz, Fox & Hounds

For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“The Captivating World of Plants” by Tom Hart Dyke

Gardening enthusiasts may be interested to know that the Rutland Hardy Plant Society has also arranged another interesting lecture by Tom Hart Dyke, plant hunter and garden maker speaking on “The Captivating World of Plants” to be held on Saturday 22 February 2014 at 7.30pm at Oakham School.

The Captivating World of Plants

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Keep it Snappy!

The photographic classes at the North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show, held every September, have continued to grow in popularity.

Here are the categories for this year’s show (Sunday September 14th 2014) so you can keep them in mind over the next 9 months.

  1. Flowers and gardens
  2. Landscape
  3. Portraits (includes pets/animals)
  4. Sports and leisure
  5. Doorways and gateways
  6. Open (any photo that doesn’t fit into the previous categories such as abstract)
  7. Under 16s (any subject)

Happy snapping and we look forward to seeing your entries!

via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club

Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“Companion Planting” Talk by Andrew Sankey

Our programme of speakers continues on Thursday January 9th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre with the return of Andrew Sankey to talk on ‘Companion Planting’.

Andrew is a garden designer/landscaper, nurseryman and lecturer with a special interest in cottage gardens. He regularly runs series of lectures for the WEA in Stamford & Oakham, with one starting in Oakham in May on Elizabethan Gardens and Shakespeare’s Flowers.

The talk is guaranteed to be entertaining and packed full of useful information.

Guests always welcome for £2 – annual subscription £10 per person.

Details of our full programme can be found on our 2014 Calendar and include a full day outing, run jointly with Empingham Garden Club on July 20th to RHS Harlow Carr, and for the first time on October 11th/12th a chance to bring along your own apples and press them into juice (with equipment borrowed from SCOG)! Let’s hope it’s a good harvest!!

Happy New Year – hope you have a blooming good 2014!!

via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club

For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

2014 Programme Calendar for Garden Club

The North Luffenham Garden Club programme for 2014 offers:

  1. Jan 9th – ‘Companion Planting’ by Andrew Sankey.
  2. Feb 13th – ‘Treasure Island’ by Stuart Dixon.
  3. March 13th – ‘Climbing through the seasons: Alpines in the Wild.’ by James Williams.
  4. April 10th – ‘Seeds in the corridor of power: an insight into the controls on seeds and seed quality.’ by Paul Rooke.
  5. May 8th – ‘So very versatile perennials’ by Ian Cooke.
  6. June evening outing to be confirmed)
  7. July 20th – full day outing to RHS Harlow Carr (joint with Empingham Garden Club)
  8. September 14th – Autumn Show
  9. Oct 11th/12th – Apple Day – equipment borrowed from Stamford Community Orchard Group available for villagers to press their own apple juice.

For more details on these events please contact the Garden Club.

via: Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

January 2014 Calendar and What’s On Guide

Happy New Year! Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014.

This photo was taken by Sonia Kendal for the January entry in the "Around Our Village" 2014 Calendar produced by the North Luffenham Camera Club.

This photo was taken by Sonia Kendal for the January entry in the “Around Our Village” 2014 Calendar produced by the North Luffenham Camera Club.

January 2014 Calendar

Create your own calendar at

Would you like a printed version of next year’s calendar? Contact the Camera Club today to reserve your copy of the 2015 calendar.

What’s on in North Luffenham during January 2014

Weds 1st

Weekly Quiz starts at the Fox and Hounds.

Mon 6th

Arbonne Evening run by Jo Spiegl in the Fox and Hounds.

Weds 8th

Weekly Quiz at the Fox and Hounds.

Thurs 9th

Garden Club meeting with a talk on “Companion Planting” by Andrew Sankey.

Sat 11th

Live music from the Dirty Cowboys at the Fox & Hounds, starting at 8pm.

Weds 15th

Weekly Quiz at the Fox and Hounds.

Thurs 16th

Knit and Knatter get together at Liliane Coogan’s, please contact Liliane if you want to join us.

Weds 17th

Weekly Quiz at the Fox and Hounds.

Sat 18th

Live music at the Fox and Hounds by The Blue Volcano who cover The Rolling Stones and The Beatles, as well as old bluesy stuff.

Mon 20th

Parish Council Meeting in the Community Centre starting at 7:30pm.

Tuesday 21st

Camera Club Talk “The Pyrenees” by Sue Churchill.
Chater Community Choir starts.

Weds 22nd

Weekly Quiz at the Fox and Hounds.

 Thursday 23rd

Knit and Knatter pick up their projects again at the Fox and Hounds

Weds 29th

Weekly Quiz at the Fox and Hounds.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Xmas message from Eric Abell

Happy Christmas and New Year to all my friends in North Luffenham and thank you all for making me welcome to the village.

I will give a donation to Marie Curie Cancer Care in lieu of cards.

Eric Abell

Did you know that you can now follow North Luffenham updates via your preferred social network? Please click on one of the links below to follow:

Consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2015

Each year admission authorities must set admission arrangements (sometimes referred to as ‘admission policy’).

Admission arrangements must explain how applications for school places will be processed and include a set of criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school.

Admission authorities must ensure that the arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code and that the practices and the criteria used to decide the allocation of school places is fair, clear and objective.

Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements the admission authority must publicly consult on the proposed arrangements.

Rutland County Council has opened the consultation page on its website where you will find copies of proposed admission arrangements for 2015 that are currently open for consultation. The consultation page can be found on our admissions website at

School Admissions
Rutland County Council

via Ian Ferguson, NLPC

Did you know that you can now follow North Luffenham updates via your preferred social network? Please click on one of the links below to follow:

Singing in a Winter Wonderland

Singing In a Winter Wonderland Concert of favourite Christmas music and opera with Caroline Trutz (Soprano), Julie Unwin (Mezzo) and Robert-John Edwards (Bass) and local children.

Santa’s Grotto, mulled wine, a lovely festive evening for all!

Where: Uppingham Parish Church
When: Monday 23rd December, 7pm
Tickets: On the door – adults £10 each, under 16’s £2 each, Under 5’s free

Proceeds will go to Philippines Typhoon Appeal and Uppingham Church

via Susie Burrows

Did you know that you can now follow North Luffenham updates via your preferred social network? Please click on one of the links below to follow:

Community Recreational Facility Questionnaire

The CRF Group would appreciate it if as many villagers as possible would participate in the following  questionnaire to determine the resident’s support for a project to build a new standalone Community Recreational Facility to replace the Cricket Pavilion on the Oval in North Luffenham.

If you have trouble viewing the embedded form below, please use this link to the questionnaire webpage instead.

Fox & Hounds over Xmas and New Year

Carols round the treePlease join us at the Fox and Hounds for carols around the tree on Friday at 7.30 followed by the Christmas draw.

Christmas Day, we are open lunchtime only (but not serving food.?!?).

Most other times are normal except New Years Eve, when we’ll be opening at five in the evening instead of six and going through until 2014 (the year that is!)

The weekly quiz will be running as of New Years Day ( due to popular demand!)

Best wishes to all our customers for the festive period and for 2014.

Sian, George & Maz Roberts

via Maz, Fox & Hounds

Did you know that you can now follow North Luffenham updates via your preferred social network? Please click on one of the links below to follow:

Santa Spotted Today in Church Street!

Santa in Church St

Photo via Sallyanne Marsons, Cricket Club

Perhaps Santa has lost his sleigh and is waiting to hitch a ride on the International Space Station which passes over shortly, start looking towards Morcott at 5:08pm and you might see him:

Pass beginning

Date/time: 12/17 17:08:45
Azimuth: 239.66° (SW)
Elevation (altitude): 0.02°
Magnitude: 1.4
Distance to satellite: 2365.7 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Maximum altitude

Date/time: 12/17 17:14:10
Azimuth: 156.65° (SSE)
Elevation (altitude): 51.27°
Magnitude: -1.9
Distance to satellite: 534.7 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Pass ending

Date/time: 12/17 17:19:25
Azimuth: 77.18° (E)
Elevation (altitude): 0.59°
Magnitude: –
Distance to satellite: 2301.3 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): YES

Data from Real Time Satellite Tracking

“A Christmas Garland of Song” by the Chater Community Choir [Video]

The Chater Community Choir performed a seasonal concert ‘A Christmas Garland of Song’ to raise funds for a local charity.  The concert was performed at St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington, on Friday 6th December.

If you are having trouble watching the video on this page, you can also try watching on Youtube directly.

via Ian Ferguson, Chater Community Choir


Lifeguards wanted for Rutland Water swimming beach

Anglian Water will be opening a new swimming beach on Rutland Water in the summer of 2014 and they are looking for Life Guards.

They have a number of casual opportunities throughout the summer season (April – November 2014) to join the team based at the recreation centre in Rutland Water as a Lifeguard and Senior Lifeguard.

To find our more about this and our other casual roles go to the Anglian Water careers page.

via Pete Burrows, Homeworkers

Do you have an opinion about a footpath on Edith Weston Road?

For several years the village has been awaiting a housing development on the old woodyard to generate funding to allow the pavement to be extended along Edith Weston Road, from Oval Close to the junction with Pinfold Lane. In the event, there will now be a footpath through the new housing, linking these two roads, between points A and B as shown on the plan below.

Footpath Edith Weston Rd Plan

If walking from Oval Close towards Edith Weston this route offers a safe thoroughfare to the road junction, although it is some 60m longer than the direct line along Edith Weston Road. Several people have asked the parish council about the possibility of having a pavement alongside Edith Weston Road, in addition to the new footpath.

RCC have indicated that this would be considered only if the parish council were to contribute ‘significantly’ towards the construction cost of approximately £16,000. This might mean a contribution of around £5,000 for there to be a reasonable chance of RCC funding the balance. Any parish council contribution would have to be funded from the parish precept.

The parish council is unlikely to consider the question until after the footpath has been opened through the new housing development, but it would be interested to hear now the comments of anyone who has a view on the matter. (Whilst the immediate question is that of value for money to the village for its potential contribution, the broader question might be whether the total construction cost would offer value for money.)

Do you use this route at present? Why? How often? Will you use the new footpath? etc.

If you would like to comment, please do so using the NLPC contact form.

9/12/13 Update: Commenting on the proposed footpath to the NLPC is now closed

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Pre-Christmas Fair for Church Roof Fund

Pre Christmas Fair Poster

Pre-Christmas Fair at the North Luffenham Community Centre on Saturday, 23rd November from 2 to 4pm.

Home made festive food unusual preserves, chutney, marmalade & mincemeat.

Christmas decorations plus cards, paper and fine handmade jewellery.

In aid of the Church Roof Fund.

Do come & join us without the hassle of the shops, and have a chat together with a cup of tea & cake.

Print or Download Poster

Pre Christmas Fair 2013 Poster

via Janet Whittaker