Author Archives: North Luffenham

Now You See Me – Uppingham Film Night Out

Just a reminder that our next film is on Wednesday 13th November: NOW YOU SEE ME (a robbery theme, but the thieves are all magicians….). Usual arrangements: Uppingham Town Hall, doors open at 7, film starts 7.30.

Do bring friends, cushions, drink, nibbles. Tickets (£5) either on the door or from The Falcon. We very much look forward to welcoming you.

May I also give you some advance notice about our December film: THE GREAT GATSBY, on December 11th.

In keeping with the festive season, do feel free to dress the part if you feel like it, and to end up in a local hostelry afterwards…

Do spread the word about Film Night: we are delighted with the enthusiasm we have had, and look forward to the second Wednesday of the month through 2014 as well.

via Susie Burrows, The Uppingham Town Partnership

Garden Club Meeting – Thursday 14th November

Next meeting will be on Thursday November 14th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre when the Club will be holding its AGM, followed by a talk on ‘The A-Z of bulbs’ by Johnny Walkers of Walkers Bulbs, Holbeach.

Annual subscriptions of £10 per person are now due, though guests are most welcome to any meeting for £2.

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Oval Bonfire Progress at Lunchtime

Thank’s to all the volunteers so far, it’s getting bigger!  This should help keep everyone warm and toastie tomorrow night.

Building Oval Bonfire

Photo by Andy Stout

There remains a lot of cuttings around the bottom of the Oval if there are any willing volunteers for the remainder of the afternoon.

Do you have 1 hour spare to help out at the Oval today?

Currently all the low hanging branches from the trees at the Oval are being cut, but it is turning into a massive task to move all the cuttings onto the bonfire.

If anyone can spare 1 hour today to help drag the cuttings onto the bonfire it would be greatly appreciated.

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Woodland Walk Proposal

It was proposed some time ago that the village might establish an area of recreational woodland on part of the 14 acres of Parish Council land next to the allotments.

Although the original proposal was to plant most of this land, the Parish Council now proposes a much less ambitious development, planting an area of just 2.5 acres, to be completed during this winter.

Around 800 trees will be planted (mixed native broad-leaved), but at just 20” tall will take some years to grow to any size.  Thinning will be required in future years. Some shrubs will also be planted.

It is proposed, In due course, to establish a footpath through the trees and around the field perimeter, a circular route being made possible by permissive access alongside Edith Weston Road having been agreed by the tenant who farms most of the field.

A sketch map of the site is shown below and you can also download a pdf version if you prefer. From this it can be seen that there are various options for the route of the footpath, particularly in the vicinity of the allotments and Geoff Sewell Close, which details will be considered at a future date.

The arrangement of trees  is currently under discussion with our Woodland Trust advisor. Further details of the project will be made available shortly.

If you wish to comment on the proposal, please do so by completing the Parish Council Contact Form.

Alternatively, please forward your comments via any Parish Councillor, or the Parish Clerk, contact details for whom are on the parish notice boards and on this website. It would be helpful to receive any comments by 10 November.

Woodland Walk Map

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Responses to Community Recreational Facilities Questionnaire

Earlier this year a questionnaire was delivered to each household in the parish and posted on the website, seeking views on what recreational facilities might be desirable in the village – subject to evidence of demand, and availability of funding.

We thank you all for your responses, of which we received 64 in total from the 320 delivered questionnaires issued and website post.

Four specific proposals suggested by the NLPC were exampled in the questionnaire, although other suggestions were invited.

In respect of the four specific items, the number of respondents indicating support was as follows:

  • Tennis court27
  • Cricket pavilion refurbishment  – 36
  • All-weather pitch22
  • Woodland walk (on allotments field)  – 23

Amongst a range of additional suggestions made by respondents, the most popular was for a village hall type facility, separate from the community centre. (16 respondents). A more detailed schedule of the responses is shown below, and you can also download a pdf version if you prefer.

Whilst deliberations continue over which of the suggestions might be both justifiable and affordable, there are few obstacles to proceeding with some form of woodland walk, plans for which are in hand, and more details of which are set out in a separate post, with an invitation for comments. Of some of the more minor suggestions made (and albeit not of a recreational nature), action is already in hand for a bus shelter (at Pinfold Close), and for a defibrillator (possibly to be sited in the telephone kiosk on Church Street).

Community Recreational Facilities Questionnaire Responses

via Syd Overington, Chairman, NLPC

Pre-school Christmas Gift Evening

North Luffenham’s pre-school Christmas gift evening will be on Friday 22nd November, 7pm – 9pm.

Exhibitors will include Swans, The Design Mould, Sarah Harding Phoenix Cards, Tip Top and Norfolk Cordials, to name a few.

Entry is free and 100% of proceeds go to the pre-school, making a lot of little people, very happy.

Join us at the community centre to stock up on Christmas gifts and stocking fillers.

via Sophie Greenhalgh, Pre-school

Uppingham Film Schedule for next 3 months

Now You See Me - Film Night Out Poster

Click image for larger view

Thank you for your past support. Uppingham Town Partnership has obtained the funding to put on a monthly film night in Uppingham Town Hall at 7.15 every second Wednesday in the month at only £5 per ticket, starting in September and carrying on until next summer.

With plenty more support, we hope to be able to make it a permanent fixture! And we aim to keep it as a fun, sociable evening with sweets on sale, soft drinks available and sometimes a quick chat about the film. So, please do bring your drinks (alcohol permitted), nibbles & cushions and come along to enjoy a film evening with us from September 11th.

Tickets will be available from The Falcon two weeks before each film, or take the risk and just turn up and pay on the door! There will be posters around the town.

And do please spread the word by sharing via Facebook or other social media below, and bring some friends along with you.

The films we have planned are:

NOW YOU SEE ME (Official website, reviews: RT, IMDb). A heist movie with a difference – the thieves are all magicians…. – November 13th

THE GREAT GATSBY (yet to be confirmed) (Official website, reviews: RT, IMDb). We think you will have heard about this one – feel free to dress up if we manage to book it! – December 11th

Behind the Candelabra possibly! (Official website, reviews: RT, IMDb, The Telegraph) – the darkly comic biopic about Liberace and his relationships) – January 8th

We will keep you up to date with any additional information, and we very much look forward to warmly welcoming you to as many film nights as you can get to!

➡ Follow Uppingham Film Night Out on Facebook.

Susie Burrows, The Uppingham Town Partnership

via Kathleen Robinson

Autumn Season commences for Garden Club

Roseraie de l'HayThe new season gets under way for the North Luffenham Garden Club next week on Thursday October 10th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre with speaker Ann Bird on ‘A Personal Look at the World of Roses’.

Ann Bird is a past president of the Royal National Rose Society, and is currently vice-president of the World Federation of Rose Societies, so is well qualified to talk to us about this popular British garden favourite!

Fun, informal meetings with a raffle and refreshments. The club welcomes plants for sale at all meetings. No horticultural experience or expertise required – new members and guests always welcome! Cost is £2 per event or join for an annual subscription fee of £10 per person.

Programme 2013/14

  • Oct 10th – ‘A Personal Look at the World of Roses’ by Ann Bird.
  • Nov 14th – ‘The A-Z of bulbs’ by Johnny Walkers.
  • Dec 5th – Christmas Social evening
  • Jan 9th – ‘Companion Planting’ by Andrew Sankey.
  • Feb 13th – ‘Treasure Island’ by Stuart Dixon.
  • March 13th – ‘Climbing through the seasons: Alpines in the Wild.’ by James Williams.
  • April 10th – ‘Seeds in the corridor of power: an insight into the controls on seeds and seed quality.’ by Paul Rooke.
  • May 8th – ‘So very versatile perennials’ by Ian Cooke.
  • (June evening outing & July full day outing to be confirmed)

via Katy Ellis, Secretary, Garden Club

A Late Quartet – Uppingham Film Night Out

A Late Quartet PosterThe next Uppingham Film Night at the Town Hall is on Wednesday, October 9th at 7.15pm.

This month’s film is A Late Quartet (reviews: RT, IMDb, theguardian) a moving drama about a chamber music quartet, directed by Yaron Zilberman & with a strong cast led by Christopher Walken. It has had very good reviews.

As ever, do come along bringing cushions, chairs, nibbles, drink, friends – or just yourselves.

Tickets will be available from THE FALCON (£5), but we are moving towards just selling them on the door as we are confident we can get everyone in.

We very much look forward to welcoming everyone to this increasingly sociable evening!

:arrow: Follow Uppingham Film Night Out on Facebook.

via Kathleen Robinson

A Night at the Races

NLCC Race Night

MEETING: Friday 1st November 2013
TIME of FIRST RACE: 8.00pm (be there by 7.30pm)
COURSE: North Luffenham Community Centre

ENTRY FEE: £10 per person (£50 for a table of 6) to include….
FODDER for the PUNTERS: Fish & Chips
COURSE FEATURES: Spacious stable with Real Ale,
good wine and soft drinks.

Horse owners needed – £5/horse.
Winning owner for each race wins £10.
Owners needed by 17th October for Racecard.

Contact the Course Steward – Barry Read
or any committee member for tickets and horses

Please come along for a night of fast paced fun with your friends
and support your local Cricket Club

Download Poster: Race Night Flier 2013

Carpet Bowls Singles Competition Results 2013

On Saturday 22 September members of the North Luffenham Carpet Bowls Club (NLCBC) met in the Community Centre.

The occasion was the Singles Competition which is held every year about this time. It is a prelude to the coming start of the League competitions in which the NLCBC enters two teams, Fourteen players took part in a ‘Round Robin’ and were supported by members of the Club, relatives and friends.

Of course competition was keen, with many cliff hanging moments, Play went on all afternoon. The out come was: Tim Smalley – took the Winners Cup and the Club Shield. The runner up was Thomas Ellis taking the Trophy. Well done and congratulations to them both. The presentation was made by Katy Ellis.

An entertaining and enjoyable time ended with a serving of fish and chips all round.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Autumn term commences for Art Group

The new term started for the Art Group on Monday 30th September in the Community Centre and will be followed by meetings fortnightly – 14th and 28th October, 11th and 25th November, and 9th December.

The first few sessions will concentrate on basic drawing techniques followed by mixed media.

New members from outside the village are welcome to join the Art Group.

All meetings start at 12.45pm and finish at 3.0pm.

Please contact Angela Leather for more information.

A Bittersweet Evening of Romance

A bittersweet evening of romance – with poetry, candlelight and sensual music by galàn.


Specialising in European Renaissance and Baroque music, the group is accompanied by Theorbo and Harpsichord.

  • Three Sopranos: , Lucy Page, Alison Hill, Katy Hill
  • Harpsichord: Christopher Bucknell
  • Theorbo: Manuel Minguillon

Manuel Minguillon

Christopher Bucknell

A unique opportunity to hear this young & inspiring ensemble prior to recording their first album in North Luffenham Church.

Where: St John the Baptist Church, North Luffenham.

When: Sunday 13th October 2013 at 6pm.

Tickets cost £12 each (Including a glass of wine and canapés) and can be booked online from the Stamford Arts Centre or by telephone: 01780 763203.

Download/Print Promotional Poster: Loves Reflections

Loves Reflections poster

via Paul Cummings, Mutual Support

Choir are tuning up for Christmas

Christmas reef

A Christmas Garland of Song

The Chater Community Choir will be giving a seasonal concert to raise funds for a local charity called ‘A Christmas Garland of Song’, featuring the Beaufort Wind Quintet, which will be performed at St Andrew’s Church, Lyddington, on Friday 6th December at 7.30pm.

As in their sell out December concert last year the choir will delight the audience with popular non seasonal favourites along with seasonal songs and readings.

There may even be a mince pie or two!

Tickets are £5 and will be available in November from Tracy Steward.

Rutland Rotaract Family Support Centre

The concert is in aid of the Rutland Rotaract Family Support Centre based in Oakham. The RRFSC aims to provide social, recreational, educational and therapeutic support to children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities, and their families. The choir has previously raised over £2000 for charity including Fibromyalgia UK and the Stroke Association since being formed in 2012.

Fox News! – Funds raised for Fibromyalgia, Body Shop party, Quiz kitty and Winter leagues starting

Quiz Update

Monthly quiz returned last evening and was won by Anty’s Mob. Runner’s up, Lads On Tour both winning cash prizes.

We’ve changed a couple of things in the quiz and we now have a kitty that the pub adds £5 every month (rollover if it’s not won).

Next monthly quiz is Oct 13th and the pot will be £10. Everyone welcome £1 pp entry fee, no limit on team members AND a free bowl of chips at half time!

Charity Events

Fibromyalgia Association UK LogoThe weekly quiz last week was in aid of charity and it was written and run by Sian. We held a raffle as well and on Saturday, a car boot sale. We raised £280 in total, half donated to FMAUK (Fibromyalgia Association) and the other half to Stamford Fibromyalgia Support Group.

If anyone would like any information on the condition that Sian herself struggles with, please pop in and have a chat to her. She’d be happy to help and put you in touch with the local group.

Many thanks to everyone that donated raffle prizes and items for the car boot sale and for coming along and spending your money!

Winter Leagues

Winter being around the corner, the quiz and domino leagues start again over the next two weeks.

Along with this, we are now entered in a local darts league and are looking for those that have already put their names down to play, and anyone else interested, to come along this Thurs eve at 7.30 ish to go over the details.

Upcoming Events

Oct 7th we’re hosting a BODYSHOP party. 7.30 start and everyone is most welcome. No pressure to buy ( not even a drink!).

Nov 4th will be a Christmas (and general) card and small gift evening. As above.

1st Anniversary

This week sees our first anniversary here so (as always) we’d like to thank all of our customers for their continued support. Here’s to an even bigger and better twelve months!

Sian, George & Maz, the Fox and Hounds

Uppingham Film Night Out – The Sapphires

The SapphiresOur new film night season opens next Wednesday, 11th, at 7.15pm in Uppingham Town Hall with a showing of The Sapphires (Reviews: IMDb, RT) .

This is a real feel-good movie, with plenty of food for thought & should send you home humming if not singing to yourselves.

Tickets are on sale at The Falcon (£5) or get them on the door.

Bring along comfy cushions, nibbles, drink – tables & chairs if you like!  We will be delighted to see you all.

Do spread the word! And remember we are putting on a film on the second Wednesday of each month, having secured funding for a year in hopes its popularity will keep it going after that!

➡ Follow Uppingham Film Night Out on Facebook.

Susie Burrows, The Uppingham Town Partnership

via Kathleen Robinson

Have your say on Transport Support for Students in Rutland

Consultation on Proposed Changes to Home to School Transport

Rutland Council is continuing to face a number of challenges. The funding we receive from national Government is reducing and there is a determination to hold back from increasing council tax charges to residents.

The Council sets out to provide the best quality services that can be offered and ensure that best value principals are embedded in everything it does.

The Council has a Medium Term Financial Plan which forecasts the likely income and revenue streams facing the Council on a rolling five year basis. In line with this, the Council needs to continue to make financial efficiencies in order to ensure that future financial targets are met.

In line with the above, the Council has been looking at transport costs with a view to ceasing any transport which is non-statutory.

Whilst many local authorities across the country have already taken action to stop providing discretionary transport, Rutland has maintained provision. However, it was agreed at the Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday 20 August to seek the public views on the withdrawal of denominational and post 16 transport. The details are summarised below:

Denominational transport

The Council spent £95,000 in the 2012/13 academic year supporting 40 students to faith based schools. Whilst students contribute £253.50 each toward the cost of their transport the net cost of providing denominational transport is expensive to maintain. Indications are that student numbers are likely to grow in the 2013/14 academic year.

The Council would like to seek views on the following two options:

(i) To withdraw denominational transport entirely with effect from September 2014. This option would mean that ALL denominational transport support would cease after July 2013 including those already receiving transport support.

(ii) To introduce a phased withdrawal of denominational transport from September 2014. This option would mean that no new students will be given transport support after July 2013 BUT existing students would continue to receive transport support until the end of their current school placement.

Post 16 Transport

During the 2012/13 academic year the council spent £94,000 supporting 90 students to various post 16 colleges. Students contributed £332 toward the cost of providing the transport.

The Council would like to seek views on the following two options:

(i) To withdraw post 16 entirely with effect from September 2014. This option would mean that ALL post 16 transport support would cease after July 2013 including those already receiving transport support.

(ii) To introduce a phased withdrawal of post 16 transport from September 2014. This option would mean that no new students will be given transport support after July 2013 BUT existing students would continue to receive transport support until the end of their current school placement.


The Council would like to take into account the views of residents and partners in developing our final proposals. Should you wish to express your views, please contact Rutland County Council:

tel: 01572 758 451 or email:

Responses should be received by Thursday 26 September 2013 at the latest.

What happens next?

All responses arising from the consultation will be fed back to Council’s Cabinet in October. The final results of the consultation exercise and any actions will be published on the website in due course.

via Ian Ferguson →  Parish Council