Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Next Camera Club Meeting on 17th September 2013

The next meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club will be on Tuesday, 17th September at 8pm at the Community Centre.

Please bring along photos for the display on the theme of MOVEMENT.

Also do bring your entries (hard copy please) for the 2014 calendar, North Luffenham and Surrounding Area.

Please keep the e copy in high resolution so that if chosen it can be put onto flash drive for printer.

The Exton photos would be suitable to include.

All are welcome to our meetings, please contact us for more information.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Next Camera Club Meeting – Tues 17th Sept 2013

Camera Club will be having a break for the month of August.

The next meeting is in the Community Centre on Tuesday Sept 17th at 8pm.

The theme for this meeting is “Movement” and the photos for the next Calendar (North Luffenham Village and surrounding area) will be selected.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Photographic Exhibition

The members held a Photographic Exhibition in the School Hall on July 14th to coincide with NGS Open Day at Mima and Jim Bolton’s garden.

We displayed all sizes and all subjects of our favourite pictures and there was a steady stream of visitors between 11am and 6pm.

The School very kindly lent us their display boards, as did the School Photographer who happened to be in the right place….

We were so lucky with our weather again, and we received many favourable comments on the display.

Thanks go to the many members involved.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Under 9’s Win against Uffington

Under 9 Cricket Team July 2013

Under 9 Cricket Team July 2013

After another win at Uffington, the U9 cricket team remain at the top of the league alongside Burghley Park.

We play Ketton this Sunday, at home on the Oval, starting at 10am. You are welcome to join us for tea & coffee, and cheer the team on!

via Sally Ann Marson, NLCC

Cambridgeshire and National Carpet Bowls Championships Report

Three members of the Carpet Bowls Club took part in Cambridgeshire County competitions recently.

The competition is of a very high standard consisting of the best players from local clubs.  However, both the singles and the triples won their respective matches, which entitled them to go forward to the National Championship which, of course, is of an even higher standard.

The Championships were played over a period of 2 days in Blackpool. The team played extremely well but seemed disappointed that they only took third place.  They usually come first.  Better luck next year.  We are proud of you.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

A Happy Father’s Day on the Oval

Fathers Day at the Oval

The under 9’s had a great day on Father’s Day (Sunday 16th June 2013) cheered on by all the dads.

They played 2 matches. Lost the first game against a very good Burghley Park by 30 runs. Fortified by sandwiches, cakes & scones, and they won the 2nd game against Billingborough!!!

They are currently joint top of the league with Burghley Park so all to play

This weeks game is away against Uppingham.

via Sally Ann Marson, NLCC

Exton Outing Photo Collection

The North Luffenham Camera Club recently visited Exton to photograph the village and the gallery below includes a selection of photos taken by the club members.

Burghley Park vs NLCC Friendly Match Report

North Luffenham Cricket Club First team today played the initial game of a series of weekend friendly matches, against Burghley Park at their almost impossibly picturesque pitch in the grounds of Burghley House with an excellent view over the roof tops of Stamford.

The team was a mixture of young blood and what might generously be termed “experienced” players…. A great day was had by all, the sun shone, Burghley laid on an excellent spread in their pavilion including home-made Guinness and chocolate cake and North Luffenham won 🙂

Action from the game:

Teams coming off of the pitch at the end of the match:

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Good Companions 2013 Events Calendar

Wednesday 6th March Hand massage & scarf tying
Wednesday 3rd April How to make a bird box
Wednesday 1st May Cooking demonstration followed by eating…
Wednesday 5th June Village History & photo sharing
Wednesday 3rd July Talk entitled ‘Living with Eskimos’ by a local resident!
Wednesday 7th August Sing-a-long with Allan Black
Wednesday 4th September An ‘off-the-wall’ gathering – bring along a treasure to talk about
Wednesday 2nd October Handicrafts with Pauline
Wednesday 6th November Making Christmas decorations
Wednesday 4th December Christmas lunch

In addition, the annual outing will be to Skegness on Wednesday 26th June. This is free to all over 60’s.

Other activities include the opportunity to go a little further afield to venues such as: Downtown, Foss Park, Wisbech Rose Fair & the Theatre.

Download or Print 2013 Event Calendar [pdf]

For more details please contact Evelyn via the Good Companions contact form.

via Evelyn Pickard, Good Companions

Choir sing their way to the tune of £600! for Stroke Association

Thanks to everyone who supported our Spring Time Songbook in Empingham Church on Saturday 18th May. We are delighted to have raised £600 for the Stroke Association.

Springtime Songbook Choir

Choir line-up for Springtime Songbook

If you were not able to make it, you can watch the concert below, or go to the Springtime Songbook playlist on the Chater Community Choir YouTube channel:

As we return to practices every Tuesday night in North Luffenham School, new recruits always welcome, no experience necessary! Next practice 11th June after the Whit break.

via Linda Burrows, Chater Community Choir

4 games in, 4 games won!!!

We are all very proud of our under 9’s who remain undefeated this season after a win against Nassington this morning.

Under 9s NLCC Team

Under 9s NLCC Team

The team was led by Ellen Marson this week.

Our 18 run win was assisted greatly by both sides, parents & villagers who showed brilliant support.

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Camera Club Meeting Notes – 21st May 2013

Members showed their photographs from the Exton outing evening on May 7th, with each commenting on their own photos; why they had chosen that particular view and how they felt it had turned out.

The themes for this meeting , Flora and Fauna plus Signs of the Zodiac were displayed over the coffee break and allowed for plenty of discussion time.

What make a Good Photograph? – Ideas on this subject were followed by a listing of the points looked for by judges of Photography Competitions.

The percentage weightings given to:

  1. Technical aspect
  2. Content
  3. Message/story – were felt to be the opposite of those expected!

According to the North and East Midlands Federation of Photographers, their judges place much more emphasis on the Message rather than the Technical aspect of the picture.

Dates Reminders:

  • 13th July – a “mini-outing” to Rockingham Game and Country Fair for those members who wish to have a photography focus during the Summer.
  • 14th July – an Exhibition in the School Hall, to coincide with the opening of Jim and Mima Bolton’s garden for the NGS scheme, when teas will be provided in the Community Centre.

Next Camera Club meeting is on 17th September at 8pm in the Community Centre. This will include choosing photographs for this years Calendar.

Download meeting notes as a PDF

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Dambusters Flypast over Eyebrook Reservoir

On Thursday 16th May the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster Bomber flew over Eyebrook Reservoir to commemorate the 70th anniversary of 617 Squadron’s Dambusters mission.

BBMF Lancaster flying over Eyebrook

BBMF Lancaster flying over Eyebrook

Dambuster flypast over Eyebrook Reservoir

Dambuster flypast over Eyebrook Reservoir

Lancaster banking over Eyebrook

Lancaster banking over Eyebrook

via Katy, Camera Club


Photographic Outing to Exton

An Exton Thatched Cottage

An Exton Thatched Cottage

North Luffenham Camera Club Outing to Exton – 7th May 2013.

The choice of Exton for this outing was splendid – and it could not have been better with the weather! Sunny and still – how lucky, as Tuesday night was the changing point from our sunny spell.

Ten members turned out and spent an hour and half taking photographs, around this typically English village – thatched cottages and village green.

We were able to include photos of a local lady with her white horse and two tiny white ponies.

Also a member of the group was invited to photograph a private wild garden- carpets of forget-me-nots and primroses.

The evening finished with a splendid supper in the pub.

I expect we will see some cracking photos at the next meeting on 21st May – 8pm in the NL Community Centre, with possible contenders for the next calendar.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Home vs Stamford Under 13’s Cricket Match Report

Cricket BallNorth Luffenham Cricket Club under 13’s made a cracking start to the season on Thursday night, beating Stamford u13’s by 7 wickets, on the Oval.

They bowled out Stamford for 70 runs and knocked off the winning runs with one ball to spare.

Leading run scorer for the U13’s was Geordie Bingham, 14 not out.

via Bill Whittaker, Cricket Club

2013 Annual General Meeting for Carpet Bowls Club

Members of the Carpet Bowls Club are reminded that the AGM will be held on Monday 13 May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The Minutes of the last meeting are on the notice board in the Community Centre.

via Sylvia M Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club