Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings

Following guidance from Central Government actual Parish Council meetings along with committees and working groups are to be suspended for the time being due to CORVID-19.

Central Gov’t is currently working on new legislation to allow future meetings to be held virtually. This means that the NLPC meeting scheduled for 23rd March is cancelled. Further information about the Annual Parish meeting scheduled for April and the Annual Parish Council meeting in May will follow, though at present it is likely both will be postponed to later in the year.

Dog Fouling

We recently posted an item with regard to the increase in dog mess that was being seen around the village especially in Church Street and also in close proximity to the childrens play area on the Oval. This issue is now a national campaign by ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ and they have just produced the following short video.

The Parish Council is also considering introducing a scheme run by RCC which has proved to be very successful in other parishes across Rutland. If adopted we will be looking for support from residents.

Bird Scarers

North Luffenham Parish Council has received complaints that on two occasions bird scarers have been used in Ancaster Way apparently to scare away the starlings in the laurel bushes.

It is considered a criminal offence to set off fireworks in the street or other public places without permission.

Bird scarers are very loud as their purpose is to scare away birds from farm crops and in an urban setting are a nuisance and in particular cause upset to the elderly.

The Parish Council is working with Rutland County Council to try and alleviate the problem that the starlings are causing.

Thank you to all those volunteers who joined in with the litter pick 🚮 today, it was a great success!

A full boot load of rubbish was collected around the village today by a large group of volunteers from the village.

A large proportion of the rubbish collected was found along Edith Weston Road and Station Road, so the luminous tabards came in very handy to keep everyone safe along the road side.

It took 10 volunteers about 2 hours to scour the village and surrounding roads to complete an entire sweep of the area.

In the future it would be greatly appreciated by all in the village, if every now and again when walking around the village you could remember to take an empty bag with you and be on the look out for litter, it really doesn’t take much effort to keep the village looking clean and tidy.

Also some less than pleasant items were collected 💩 and again, for those of you who have the appropriate bags and are used to picking this up after your own dogs and disposing of it in the red bins around the oval, it would be especially appreciated of you could be on the look out for this as well. Some of you have been already, which is commendable, but we need more of this to help eradicate the dog fouling problem completely!

Thanks again everyone! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

St Georges Barracks – CPRE Rutland Video

For those of you who were not able to attend the recent meeting held by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) in Oakham, they have posted the related video on YouTube. The video includes information on the St Georges Barracks plan, interviews with local people and excerpts from RCC’s meetings on the new Local Plan, which is intended to enable the development.

NLPC and Trust Meetings; Monday 2nd March 2020 @ 7pm North Luffenham Community Centre

Please find attached the agendas and supporting papers for the forthcoming meetings as above

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

A Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been formed and is meeting every two weeks and aims to produce a Neighbourhood Plan in a years time. The Plan is essentially a planning document for the whole parish and if adopted will have legal status. This could be important for the village in helping us to influence the development of St. George’s Barracks if the proposal goes ahead as planned.

Residents will be informed via the website and newsletters as to progress and there will also be open meetings with the aim of consulting on the structure and content of the plan.

Members of the Steering Group are listed below and can be contacted by email for more information and would welcome at any stage comments, suggestions, ideas  and any offers of help.

Tim Smith

Charles Cade

Alan Arnott

Malcolm Forbes

Penny Forbes

Tracey Barsby

Pete Burrows

Tim Collins

John Willoughby

Planning Application 2020/0097/FUL

PROPOSAL: To erect a pent roof concrete garage on a concrete base on the drive
parallel with the front of the house.
29 Ancaster Way North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8LH

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and
you are invited to submit your comments by 20 February 2020. The details of the application
are available to view on our website 2020/0097/FUL.

Dog Fouling On The Increase Again!

With the dark mornings and evenings there appears to be a rash of dog fouling on the pavements along Church Street. Please be a responsible dog owner and clear up after your pet. If walking your dog in the dark please keep your dog on a lead and carry a torch – always carry bags and ensure that any mess is cleared up immediately.

Perhaps better known as dog roundworm the embryonated eggs of which can be ingested by humans causing disease called toxocariasis. Young children are particularly at risk as it is picked up by ingestion of eggs from infected dog faeces. It is fortunately rare but rare things do happen. Dog mess is not only unpleasant but a potential source of an unpleasant infection.

The vast majority of dog owners conscientiously clean up after their dogs and please continue to be vigilant when walking your dog. If users of The Oval see an infringement please continue to challenge and point out that there are bins provided.

Thank you.

SGB Development

A Crucial point where your County needs YOU!!
On Monday 20th January and Monday 27th January 2020 Rutland County Councillors are being asked to vote on 3 major issues which effect the whole of Rutland.
Please attend these meetings and speak to your elected ward Councillor. Your Councillors vote is important and it is vital that you voice your concerns.
Monday 20th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will vote on two issues – Whether or not to accept the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) grant funding and the Councils Corporate Plan 2019-2024.
Accepting the HIF grant funding will lead to irreversible and unnecessary urbanisation at St Georges Barracks. Rutland will change forever. It will affect our local towns, our economies, the traffic flow on our rural roads and could lead to further urbanisation in other parts of the County. Are the ‘infrastructure first’ promises being upheld? Just one of many questions which need to be asked.
Monday 27th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will be asked to support the Local Plan and allow it to proceed to the next stage. This is the pre-submission version which will be the version presented to the Inspector. The proposed Local Plan includes St Georges Barracks and addresses development needs across the whole of the county.
The Chief Executive and the Cabinet at RCC are very focused on proceeding with these matters as quickly as possible.
There are many questions which need to be asked.
• Have RCC mitigated all risks involved in accepting the HIF grant funding?
• Has your Councillor seen and had enough time to make an informed decision of their own?
• What improvements will there be to rural roads to cope with the extra traffic?
• When will any improvement happen?
• When will the promised new school be built?
• What extra strain will be put on local public services and your doctor’s surgery?

NLPC and Trust Meetings: Monday 20th January 2020

Please find attached the agenda and papers for the above meetings to be held at North Luffenham Community Centre at 7pm

Neighbourhood Plan: further development

Following the public meeting on the 9th December the Parish Council formerly approved, on the 6th January, to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan a meeting will be held on the 13th January at 7.00 pm in the Community Centre with the aim of forming a Steering Group.

If you were not able to attend the initial meeting, think you may have skills to offer, or simply want to know more than you are welcome to attend.