Author Archives: North Luffenham

Tonight! Venus and Crescent Moon pairing after Sunset


Venus [courtesy of NASA]

A rare opportunity to view Venus and the crescent Moon in close proximity to each other will occur tonight, just after sunset.

Look towards West-Southwest (WSW) in the direction of Wing shortly after sunset, and cloud cover permitting, you will notice the two brightest objects in the night sky.

Venus is the closest planet to Earth and never strays too far away from the Sun due to its relatively close orbit, and being the second closest planet orbiting the Sun.  So if you don’t want to miss the pairing, make sure you catch a glimpse earlier in the evening before Venus sets on the horizon.

Venus, although Earth-like in many ways, is a particularly inhospitable place to visit, none of the space probes sent to land there lasted very long due to the very high surface temperature of 464°C, 90 times Earth’s atmospheric pressure, and acidic conditions.

Some scientists believe that Venus’ atmosphere may have been much more Earth-like in the past, with an abundance of water. Doomsday comparisons are often made between the natural runaway green-house effect that has occurred on Venus, and the possible man-made fate that awaits our own planet.

Free of Charge Autumn Term Adult Training Courses

New College Stamford

In addition to a course on Sewing Simple Thrifty Projects, New College Stamford offers a huge range of FREE 🙂 adult training courses from Fitness Boot Camp to iPads for the Terrified, and Cycle Maintenance to First Aid.

Perhaps you will know someone who might be interested.

via Linda Burrows → Knit and Natter

Volunteers wanted for Big Collection Weekend

Tesco - Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK are looking for volunteers over the weekend of October 4th/5th/6th to take part in a bucket collection as part of the Big Collection Weekend at Tesco in Oakham.

If anyone can give 3 hours between 12 and 3 on Friday or Saturday, or between 3 and 6 on Friday,  please could you contact me please, its a great charity.

via Gail Arnott

Contact Gail to Volunteer

New Yoga classes starting this week in Preston

do yoga! website

Fancy a new way to keep fit and healthy? Why not give yoga a try?

2 new classes begin this week on Tuesday 3rd September at Preston Village Hall.

The morning class runs from 9.30 – 11am and consists of gentle strength building exercises to help with posture followed by a lovely guided relaxation.

The evening class (8 – 9pm) focuses on releasing tension from the spine and relaxing the body and mind. For more details have a look at the Do-Yoga! website or contact Deb King.

How Far will your Penny go?

Penny Farthing

Having promoted the Rutland Ride and Stride in the Rutland Times this week on my Penny Farthing, I have decided to enter riding one and will be starting at the church 10.00 am on 14th September.

I have set up a just giving page, if anybody would like to contribute.

via Keith Read, Just Giving

BBC Leicester Radio Interview with Pete Burrows about Digital Rutland

Following the arrival of super-fast broadband in North Luffenham, BBC Radio Leicester conducted an interview with Pete Burrows (LHW) and Terry King (RCC) on Thursday 15th August as a follow up to the launch.

Having trouble playing this? Listen on Youtube instead.

via Pete Burrows, Home Workers

Partial Flyover of International Space Station Tonight – Tues 6th Aug 2013

ISS Component Modules

A bit late notice, but the weather is looking good to observe the partial flyover of the ISS this evening starting at 11pm, on the horizon from the direction of Uppingham.

The ISS will move in an easterly direction towards Easton on the Hill, but will fade away after about 5 minutes, shortly after reaching its maximum height in the sky, when it will be eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow.

Pass beginning

Date/time: 8/6 23:00:20
Azimuth: 245.09° (WSW)
Elevation (altitude): 0.14°
Magnitude: 1.4
Distance to satellite: 2349.3 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Maximum altitude

Date/time: 8/6 23:05:40
Azimuth: 165.60° (S)
Elevation (altitude): 53.28°
Magnitude: -1.9
Distance to satellite: 520.4 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Pass ending

Date/time: 8/6 23:11:0
Azimuth: 81.56° (E)
Elevation (altitude): 0.44°
Magnitude: –
Distance to satellite: 2311.7 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): YES

Good visible pass

Data courtesy of Real Time Satellite Tracking

Rutland Radio Interview from yesterday’s Super-Fast Broadband Switch On Ceremony

During the super-fast broadband switch on ceremony yesterday, Rob Persani from Rutland Radio conducted an interview with village resident Pete Burrows, which was broadcast this morning,

Good job Pete 😉

Download/Play this mp3 audio file to listen » Interview with Pete Burrows

Pete burrows is the membership secretary for the NLCC.
Rob Persani is a long standing presenter on Rutland Radio.



Let there be Light!

Cabinet Switch On

Ribbon cutting

North Luffenham has become the first village in Rutland to benefit from the £3 million Digital Rutland project.

Now that the new FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) has been switched on and we have a super fast optical fibre communication link with the virtual world outside our village, you should now be able to talk to your internet service provider about switching to a faster service of up to 80Mbps, such as BT Infinity.


Superfast Broadband Cabinet Switch On Ceremony

There will be a ceremonial switch on for the FTTC cabinet in Church Street, North Luffenham, (near to the school entrance) Tuesday 16th July 2013 between 12:30 and 13:00, by Digital Rutland / OpenReach / BT.

An OpenReach display bus will be parked in the Fox and Hounds car park from 11am, for information purposes.

Not sure if this means we will actually be able to get fibre packages from tomorrow – first question of the day 🙂

View Larger Map

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Under 9’s Win against Uffington

Under 9 Cricket Team July 2013

Under 9 Cricket Team July 2013

After another win at Uffington, the U9 cricket team remain at the top of the league alongside Burghley Park.

We play Ketton this Sunday, at home on the Oval, starting at 10am. You are welcome to join us for tea & coffee, and cheer the team on!

via Sally Ann Marson, NLCC

Cambridgeshire and National Carpet Bowls Championships Report

Three members of the Carpet Bowls Club took part in Cambridgeshire County competitions recently.

The competition is of a very high standard consisting of the best players from local clubs.  However, both the singles and the triples won their respective matches, which entitled them to go forward to the National Championship which, of course, is of an even higher standard.

The Championships were played over a period of 2 days in Blackpool. The team played extremely well but seemed disappointed that they only took third place.  They usually come first.  Better luck next year.  We are proud of you.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

A Happy Father’s Day on the Oval

Fathers Day at the Oval

The under 9’s had a great day on Father’s Day (Sunday 16th June 2013) cheered on by all the dads.

They played 2 matches. Lost the first game against a very good Burghley Park by 30 runs. Fortified by sandwiches, cakes & scones, and they won the 2nd game against Billingborough!!!

They are currently joint top of the league with Burghley Park so all to play

This weeks game is away against Uppingham.

via Sally Ann Marson, NLCC

Superfast Broadband Coming Soon!

Digital Rutland

Digital Rutland is a Rutland County Council and BT partnership which is funded by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (dcms) as part of the Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) Project to bring superfast fibre broadband speeds of up to 80Mbps to businesses and homes across Rutland.

Openreach is currently in the process of upgrading the infrastructure to bring fibre optics from the local exchanges to new cabinets in each village. The plan is to provide access to superfast broadband speeds for the majority of the 17,000 properties in Rutland by the end of 2013.

If you would like to keep up to date with developments, Digital Rutland will be publishing regular newsletters about the progress of the Rutland broadband upgrade project.

If you have any questions visit the Digital Rutland FAQ page to find out more information.

This video explains the various phases of upgrading the UK’s broadband network infrastructure:

via Syd Overington, NLPC

Weather looking clear for spotting International Space Station tonight (Thurs 6th June 2013)

ISS Cupola

ISS Cupola [photo courtesy NASA]

Unfortunately the sky was too cloudy to view the International Space Station (ISS) Tuesday night, but the weather forecast is looking much more promising for clear skies tonight, when there will be another good opportunity to view the ISS.

Tonight, the ISS will reach a little higher than Tuesday, about 2/3 up from the horizon and will rise at 11:30pm in the direction of Morcott and set at 11:41pm in the direction of Collyweston.

If you are curious to know what it is like living on the inside of the ISS then this video by Sunita Williams of NASA provides a very extensive tour:

Pass beginning

  • Date/time: 6/6 23:30:40
  • Azimuth: 251.36° (WSW)
  • Elevation (altitude): 0.22°
  • Magnitude: 1.3
  • Distance to satellite: 2313.2 km
  • In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Maximum altitude

  • Date/time: 6/6 23:36:0
  • Azimuth: 162.87° (SSE)
  • Elevation (altitude): 61.96°
  • Magnitude: -2.2
  • Distance to satellite: 465.9 km
  • In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Pass ending

  • Date/time: 6/6 23:41:15
  • Azimuth: 83.66° (E)
  • Elevation (altitude): 0.37°
  • Magnitude: 1.3
  • Distance to satellite: 2297.5 km
  • In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Data courtesy of Real Time Satellite Tracking

£240! raised for Charity from Coffee Morning

Many thanks to all who supported my coffee morning for Marie Curie Cancer Care, held 31st June at the Fox and Hounds.

We raised £240 which added to money raised for my Skinny Dip organised  by Marie Curie Cancer Care amounts to £1,177 for their funds.

Further donations can be made on my JustGiving page or direct to me.

via Eric Abell, Just Giving

Opportunity to view International Space Station this Evening (Tues 4th June 2013)

ISS in orbit [photo courtesy NASA]

ISS in orbit [photo courtesy NASA]

There will be a good opportunity to view the International Space Station (ISS) this evening from North Luffenham, weather permitting, between 11:32pm and 11:42pm.

The ISS is the largest man-made space object ever built, it cost $150 billion and and took just over 12 years to assemble in space.

The ISS is very easy to view if the weather is clear and you look out at precisely the right time, there is no need for binoculars or a telescope. Unless you have some sophisticated telescope equipment the best way to view it is with the naked eye. Just look towards South Luffenham/Barrowden and half-way up into the sky and you should see it.

Typically the ISS will appear as the brightest object in the sky (unless the moon is up) moving from East to the West, faster than a typical passenger aircraft would flyover, and without any sound.  The brightness of the ISS may change as it rises and falls due to the changing angle of the sun reflecting off of the huge solar panel arrays and whether it passes through the Earth’s shadow or not.

Don’t worry if you miss it, the ISS passes over frequently and it is expected to stay in orbit to at least 2020, so plenty of time to catch a glimpse of it yet.

Pass beginning

Date/time: 6/4 23:32:10
Azimuth: 236.71° (SW)
Elevation (altitude): 0.15°
Magnitude: 1.3
Distance to satellite: 2317.8 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Maximum altitude

Date/time: 6/4 23:37:25
Azimuth: 156.79° (SSE)
Elevation (altitude): 41.40°
Magnitude: -1.6
Distance to satellite: 604.1 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Pass ending

Date/time: 6/4 23:42:35
Azimuth: 80.05° (E)
Elevation (altitude): 0.43°
Magnitude: 1.3
Distance to satellite: 2292.5 km
In Earth’s shadow (eclipsed): NO

Good visible pass

Data courtesy of Real Time Satellite Tracking