Author Archives: North Luffenham

Anyone for Petanque?

PetanqueThe Petanque season got underway Tuesday evening, seeing us at home in a cup match. Sadly, we had to give a game away and lost as we were a player short. So, if anyone fancies trundling out on a summer’s evening and trying their hand at it, please let us know.

The weekly quiz saw a guest quiz person! Kay took over the running of the quiz last night and did an excellent job. It enabled me to have a go at answering the questions for a change. Have to admit to being on the winning team 😉

The next monthly quiz is on April 21st and we’d love to see you here.

New garden furniture has arrived and we have some giant dominoes and a connect four type game for the children (whatever age!) to play. All we need now is summer!

Following Sian’s illness, the kitchen will be open as normal from Friday evening.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Sian George and Maz, The Fox and Hounds

Adult Social Care Consultation

Rutland County Council is proposing some changes to Adult Social Care services.

This includes proposals to change to who is eligible for services and what they cost. The meetings will include a presentation so please arrive promptly

Come along to a meeting to hear more.

Spaces are limited so please book your place.

Public Briefing Dates, Times and Locations

  • Wednesday 10 April – 6pm-8pm – Council Chamber – Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Wednesday 10 April 10am-12 noon – Uppingham Town Hall – High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland. LE15 9PY
  • Wednesday 10 April- 1pm-3pm – Uppingham Town Hall – High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland. LE15 9PY
  • Friday 12 April – 10am-11am – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Friday 12 April – 6pm-8pm – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Thursday 25 April 10am-11am – Council Chamber- Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
  • Tuesday 14 May 2pm-4pm – Voluntary Action Rutland – Lands’ End Way, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6RB
  • 23 May 10.30am-12.30pm – St Marys Congregational Hall, Ketton – Chapel Lane, Ketton, Rutland. PE9 3RF
  • 25 May 10.00am-12.00pm – St Marys Congregational Hall, Ketton – Chapel Lane, Ketton, Rutland. PE9 3RF
  • Wednesday 29 May 2pm-4pm – Ryhall Village Hall – Church Street, Ryhall, Stamford. LINCS PE9 4HR

You can find all of the background information on the Rutland County Council website.

Contact Details


Or write to:

Adult Social Care
Rutland County Council
LE15 6HP

or call and leave a voicemail on: 01572 758444

Related Links

Active Rutland Walking and Cycling Festival 2013

Active Rutland Walking and Cycling Festival

The Active Rutland Walking and Cycling Festival is a celebration of Rutland’s beautiful landscape and the many walks and cycle routes in and around Rutland.

The walks and cycle rides are all led by qualified volunteer walk and bike leaders, making this festival free!

The first week of walking (18-25 May) offers a variety of different length walks at different times and locations around Rutland.

The second week (26 May – 1 June) will offer the 7 sections of the Rutland Round over those 7 days.

Over the two weeks there will be a ride to suit everyone, ranging from family to nature rides and even a led cycle ride around the whole of Rutland Water, including the Hambleton Peninsular.



Related Links

Easter Car Boot Sale raises £242 for Charity

First of all a huge thank you to everyone who came along on such a bitterly cold day to buy and/or sell at the car boot sale here on Easter Monday. With the money from the pitches and the raffle we held for the Tower of Temptation, (won by Tracy Bannister) we raised a little over £242!! Thank you everyone.

Wednesday quiz was interesting! Seems Anty’s Mob are great quizzers but no good at maths, so initially, they were announced to have come last with Alzheimers first and the Old Contemptibles in second place again. Anty then realised they’d not added their score correctly ( and I put my hand up to admit my shame in not double checking as I always do!) so they tied with the Alzheimers! Several tie-break questions later, Anty’s Mob were again victorious. Looking forward to next weeks quiz as one of Anty’s Mob has volunteered to write the questions so I can take part! (thanks Kay).

Many thanks for your continued support. It means so much to us all.

Sian, George & Maz x, Fox and Hounds

Mob Rule

Dominoes had their last shuffle this week in a cup match which they sadly lost.

Anti’s Mob won the weekly quiz this week, with The Old Contemptibles second and Alzheimers third.

Easter Monday sees our car boot sale in aid of the M.S. Trust. Pitches £5 pre- booked or £7 on the day. A barbecue will be available, regardless of the weather but let’s hope it at least stays dry.

Sian, George & Maz, Fox and Hounds

Have you pre-booked your pitch for the Easter Car Boot Sale?

Another month has gone by and the winners of our monthly quiz were Anty’s Mob with KCMS second.

Both the quiz and domino teams scored a victory this week. End of the season for the quiz so we’ll be starting Petanque very soon.

The weekly quiz was won by Alzheimers (by ONE point from Anty’s mob.)

Hopefully we will see the back of this snow very soon and the Easter Monday car boot sale can go ahead as planned – without getting cold and wet!  Save £2 and book your pitch in advance.

Tickets still available for the beautiful Lindt chocolate presentation boxes. £1 each, all money to go to the MS Trust as will the car boot pitch money.

Hope to see you over the Easter period if not before.

Sian, George & Maz, the Fox and Hounds

FREE Multi Sports Easter Holiday Club

Multi-Sports Logo

St Mary & St John Primary School will be holding a FREE Multi Sports Easter Holiday Club.

These sessions will include various different sports throughout the week including football, tag rugby, tennis, athletics, hockey, netball and kwik cricket.

The clubs will be run by a qualified and CRB checked sports coach and will be completely free of charge thanks to a lottery grant.

Children must bring appropriate sports clothing, drinks and snacks (if they wish). Key stage 2 children should also bring a packed lunch.

Places are limited to 15 children per session.

Big Lottery Fund

Sponsored by the Big Lottery


  • Thursday 28th March
  • Tuesday 2nd April – Friday 5th April


  • Key Stage 1 9.30am – 12.30pm
  • Key Stage 2 12.30pm – 3.30pm

To sign up please complete this form and hand it into the office: Multi-Sports Easter Holiday Club Form [pdf]

Further details and booking forms are available from the school office.

via Amanda, Primary School

Keep Fit for FREE!

Big Lottery FundSt Mary & St John Primary School will be holding FREE Keep Fit for Adult classes on Friday afternoons from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

Open to everyone – NO CHARGE  Come along and get fit for the summer!

For more details please contact the School.

Sponsored by the Big Lottery.

via Amanda, Primary School

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Agenda for 11th March 2013

North Luffenham Cricket Club Committee Meeting

11th March 2013

8pm at The Fox and Hounds


  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Matter arising
  4. Secretary’s report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Membership secretary
  7. Ground/clubhouse report
  8. Youth Cricket
  9. Nets
  10. Fundraising
  11. AOB – Date of next mtg, Date of AGM – contact people.

Cricket Club 2013-2 Agenda for 11Mar20 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes from 24th Feb 2013


  • Charles Cade- Chairman
  • David Head- Secretary
  • Robin King- Treasurer
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Pete Burrows
  • Barry Read
  • Kevin Corby
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Colin Heasell
  • Woody Hodson
  • Sam Hodson


John King, Dave Neild, John House, Ken Forsyth, Rob Staniland, Denise Cunningham, Jo Spiegl and Ian Ferguson.

Minutes of the 2011 AGM

held on 13th February 2011 were approved

Matters arising

Denise still has some shirts and will get them to us for the first junior session.

Chairman’s Report

Charles mentioned that while it is sad that there is no main weekend team at the moment, we need to look at the positives of a well maintained pitch and pavilion and run club, with a very successful junior section with a large number of youngsters which is good for the wider picture of cricket. He thanked all the committee & all those who put in the work to keep the club ticking over. It’s important to keep the club in good health because the time will come when league cricket returns at the weekends and it’s our duty to keep the club prepared for that event.

Secretary’s Report

David reported that 3 full committee meetings were held. Thanks to Bill for standing in as secretary during my absence from the village. The club continues to run satisfactorily. Many thanks to Bill, Ken, Colin and Robin for all their help, time & work on the square and the grounds over the past year. David also thanked John King for his continued loan of the ‘Fergie’ to enable the outfield to be cut regularly and also again to Colin for the occasional use of his mini-tractor. A big thank you to Sallyanne for her work with the juniors and to her and her family for the work they have done on the clubhouse in getting the inside looking good. Fixtures were now settled for the Burrough Mid Week League and we are awaiting details of the Rutland 2020 competition. A few friendly games are going to be organized for May to August. Already been approached by Laxton.

Treasurer’s Report

Robin presented accounts for 2012 which showed a net surplus of £104.21 for 2012, meaning that at the end of 2012, we had a working balance of £1,361.18. Expenditure for 2013 will need to be addressed at the next committee meeting and ideas for a fundraising event. Charles thanked Robin & the accounts were adopted unanimously.

Junior Cricket

The junior section continues to be the success of the club. No firm decision had been made yet in regards to the number of age groups to play in 2013 but it was hoped we would be able to offer U9, U11 and U13. A coach and manager would need to be found for the U13 group. The meeting thanked Sallyanne for all her hard work.


Pete Burrows reported that the Facebook account has been re-activated, as have the domain names for the generic email addresses. We have an NLCC page on the village website at We need to promote the website to all players, VP’s and club members, and get them to subscribe, to get alerts of any village and cricket news. Charles thanked Pete for his work on this.

Ground/Clubhouse report

Bill reiterated the thanks to Ken, Colin and Robin for their help over the season with the square and outfield and especially to Sallyanne and her family for their efforts with the clubhouse. The square preparation has already started. Equipment is all ok. The cooker for the kitchen has been ordered. The meeting thanked Bill, Ken, Colin, Robin and Sallyanne for their hard work.

Election of Officers

John King wished to stand down as President of the club. David to send a letter of thanks to John for all his support over the many years of being our president.

The following were elected:-

President – Bill Whittaker – Bill was unanimously suggested and selected as our new president.

Vice- Presidents – All the VP’s were re-elected, with the change of Bill Whittaker becoming President and John King being elected as a Vice President.

Main Committee
  • Chairman – Charles Cade
  • Vice-Chairman– vacant, but Dave Brew to be asked if he would consider the roll.
  • Secretary – David Head
  • Treasurer – Robin King
  • Fixture Secretary – David Head
  • Junior Organiser/Welfare Officer – Sallyanne Marsons
  • Membership Secretary – Pete Burrows
  • Captains midweek team – Woody Hodson and Sam Hodson
  • General Committee – Club Officers and team captains automatically + all of last year’s members elected to the general committee

Any Other Business

Committee meeting organized for Monday 11th March, 8pm at the Fox and Hounds. Suggestion that the club put together a proposal to the parish council with regards the re-development of the pavilion and cricket nets as part of the proposed recreational development.

The meeting closed at 12.15pm

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes 24Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14th Jan 2013


  • Charles Cade – Chairperson
  • David Head-Secretary
  • Robin King – Treasurer
  • Pete Burrows – Membership
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Jo Skelham
  • Matt Butcher
  • Dave Brew
  • Woody Hodson

1. Apologies

Tim Mayers. Helen Bishop

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

held on 19th July 2012 were accepted.

3. Matters Arising


4. Secretary’s Report

Thanks to Bill for standing in for me over the last 6 months during my absence from the village. Committee notified of the resignation of Denise Cunningham and Jo Spiegl from the committee and thanked for their support over the many years.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Income of £800 from the Parish Council for the mowing and £300 from the youth subs. Sallyanne has the tuck tin (approx. £100) to be used as a float for the new season. Current account approx. £1,100 & Deposit account approx £200. Known expenditure of sharpening the gang mowers and insurance.

6. Captains Report

As we have no captain, there was general discussion about next season. There will be no weekend league team.The Burrough league team will be organized by Woody and Sam Hodson (DH to chase fixtures).DH to investigate possible local friendly games in May, June, July and August..

7. Membership

Need to get the cricket club details onto the North Luffenham website, especially contact details for youth cricket and fixtures.

8. Ground/clubhouse

Very tidy clubhouse – big thanks to Sallyanne for sorting this out. Need to get 2 black camera club boards moved from the away changing room. Discussion about purchasing a cooker and/or BBQ. Consensus was to get a cooker. To be looked into in regards to cost and location in the kitchen. Water if currently off. Gazebo and gas BBQ seem to have disappeared.

9. Youth Cricket

Sallyanne has agreed to be in charge of the youth section. She had basically been doing the role the previous season and doing it fabulously. Youth meeting needed before season starts. U12 and U10 teams entered into winter league. Plans for next season is U7’s, U9’s and U11’s. U11’s to
be coached by Robin and managed by Bill, with help from Matt. U9 squad– going to look for a qualified coach (Bill to investigate). Will need a parent(s) to manage. Rest of the U9’s and U7’7 to be coached by Tim Osman, Graham and Jo. Need to get adverts etc into primary school newsletters and the camp and the Mercury. Fees for 2013 – £10 membership, £3 per week per child subs, £5 max per family.

10. Nets

Outside nets have been fixed. Bill to contact UCC regarding mid-week winter net sessions.

11. Fundraising

100 Club running OK. With no senior side, there seemed to be some perceived apathy within the village as to running a race night fundraising event for the cricket club. Thought not fully shared by the committee. Future event to be discussed at next meeting, but ideas of a race night, casino night, curry night, BBQ and a quiz were all mentioned.

12. Any Other Business

Date of AGM – Sunday 24th February 2013 at 11am in the Pavilion. David to contact all VP’s re GM and thank them for their continued support of NLCC.

Date of next meeting – to be arranged at AGM.

Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC


A Springtime Songbook

Chater Community Choir returns to St Peter’s, Empingham on 18th May with ‘A Springtime Songbook’.

After a sell-out concert last December, this popular choir will be back in St Peter’s again with another concert on Saturday 18th May at 7.30pm.

The programme will include a selection of popular and traditional favourites along with some solo items to delight you on a warm spring evening.

Refreshments will be available and proceeds from the concert will again go to Charity.

Tickets are £5 each and are available from Tracy Steward.

Make a date in your diaries now and book early to be sure of a ticket!

via Tracy Steward, Chater Community Choir

Follow the choir on Facebook and watch past performances on Youtube.

Easter Monday Car Boot Sale

Quiz team scored a resounding victory over The Noel Arms this week. This was their pen-ultimate game of the season, so we’ll soon be playing Petanque on Tuesdays 🙂

The weekly quiz was won by Anty’s Mob this week, closely followed by The Alzheimers then The Old Contemptibles. Great night, full of fun. Just how it should be!

Easter Monday we are hosting a Car Boot Sale at the pub from 11 am – 4 pm. (Gates not open before 10 am!) Pitches are £5 pre-booked or £7 on the day and all the money from the pitches will go to the M.S. Trust. We are also doing a barbecue that day – regardless of the weather!

We have donated a beautiful four-tiered collection of Lindt chocolates with three small bottles of wine. Raffle tickets are available as of now, priced at £1. Again, all the money raised will go to the M.S. Trust.

Please call us to reserve a pitch on 01780 721667 and/or pop in to buy the raffle tickets. The draw for this will take place during the day Easter Monday.

Sian, George & Maz, The Fox and Hounds.

Golf Society Newsletter March 2013

Welcome to North Luffenham Golf Society, a society brought together by a local committee of North Luffenham residents with an appetite for playing good (or bad) golf with like minded people!

2013 is looking to be an exciting year of golf meetings with a new venue (Melton Mowbray) being layed early on in the season Sunday March 24th. Please refer to our events page for dates, venues and tee times. Should you wish to attend any of the meetings please let one of the committee members know as soon as possible so that you can be included.

Last weekend saw our annual away weekend take place at Pidley. Sixteen members attended and a great time was had by all, with a couple of games of ten pin bowling thrown in!

The first day of golf was an individual competition which the overall winner was Gill Bedford with an outstanding 40 points! also taking the ladies longest drive.

Graham Bedford took the top mens place with 36 points, nothing like keeping it in the family!

Deb King and Mike Powell took the nearest the pin prizes.

The second day of golf was a team AM AM game consisting of 3 balls, with the top team of Trisha Clarke, Rob King and Graham Bedford taking the prizes with 89 points, second being Michelle Powell, Charles Cade and Mark Branson with 79 points.

Congratulations to the winners and a terrific thank you to Trisha Clarke for organising this weekend event again. Great job! We hope you will all join us again next year with hopefully some new faces too.

Our next event is being held at Melton Mowbray on Sunday 24th March. Please contact Barry Read if you are interested in attending. This event is shortly followed by our Easter Event which is being held at Toft Golf Club on 13th April, organiser for this one is Judy Cade, again, please book your place as soon as possible.

If you need to contact any of the committee members, you can reach them via the Golf Society contact form.

via Michelle Powell, NLGS

Cricket Club Youth Coaching Sessions

Junior cricket coaching sessions will begin again on Monday 15th April 2013 from 6pm – 7pm for 5years (foundation year) – 13years old.

New members & players always welcome. Tuck shop open!

Junior annual membership is £10 per child plus £3 each week. (Max £5 per week per family).

For more details please contact the North Luffenham Cricket Club.

via Sallyanne, Cricket Club

Anyone for Scrabble?

Been a busy and competitive week here at The Fox & Hounds!

Saturday saw the mixed double Valentine’s dart match with Ellen & Tom winning the first prize, runners up were Kay & Mike.

Sunday was the monthly quiz, well attended and won by The Turkey Giblets with the Bates Band second.

The league quizzers scored a victory but sadly the dominoes lost.

Thursday evening saw the Knit & Natter group meeting as usual and the monthly meeting of the Book Club.

We’ve been asked if we could start a Scrabble Club, and of course, yes we can! Looking like Monday evenings, starting in March. Please pop in or contact us to join in.

This Monday (25th Feb) we’re holding a Body Shop party from 7.30pm. Please come along and feel free to bring some friends.

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is much appreciated.

Sian, George & Maz, Fox and Hounds

Rutland LINk Information Event on End of Life Care

End of Life Event Poster

Rutland Local Involvement Network (LINk) is holding an information event around the services and support available at the end of life.

Join us on Thursday 28th February 2013, 10am – 12noon at the following address:

The Gover Building
Voluntary Action Rutland
Lands End Way
LE15 6RB

to hear from Hospice at Home, MacMillan Nurses and Marie Curie Services, District Nurses and LOROS as well as from the East Midlands Ambulance Service and from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust all of Whom will be giving presentations about their services and Will be available to answer your questions.

Kathy Reynolds, Chair of Rutland LlNk said: “Having a conversation about end of life choices can be difficult- death is often regarded as a taboo subject. Ensuring We are able to make choices about our Care, treatment and Where we want to die is essential if we are to have a ‘good death’. Knowledge and planning also allows spouses, family members and others to make the most of their time with a loved one.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the End of Life Services in your area, or you have questions that you would like to ask then please join us!

To book your place Contact Jenny Darlow, LINk Engagement Officer on 0116 229 3018 or email

Online booking available here.

via Jenny Darlow, Rutland LINK Engagement Officer

Download PDF

End of Life Event Poster