Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Councillor Vacancy – North Luffemham PC

Following the resignation of Paul Cummings from the Parish Council we are now able to co-opt a new person on to the Council. Below are details of the requirments to be a Parish Council and if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor then please either contact Tim Smith the new Chairman (01780 360083) or John Willoughby, Parish Clerk, (01780 408288)

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2018-19

The Audit of Accounts for NLPC for the year ended 31st March 2019 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of North Luffenham Parish Council on application to John Willoughby, Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.

A copy of the AGAR ia attached.

This announcement is made by John Willoughby on 31st July 2019

NLPC and Trust Extraordinary Meetings: Tuesday 30th July @7.30pm. NL Community Centre

Please find attached the agendas for the above mentioned NLPC and Trust Extraordinary Meetings. The public are able to attend but there will be no public forum.

Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 1st July 2019 @7pm, Community Centre

Please find attached the agenda and supporting papers for next Mondays meetings of the Parish Council and Trust meetings

Inclusion of St George’s Barracks within the 2017 Local Plan

Last Summer the County Council issued a consultation document seeking views on the inclusion of a development at St George’s Barracks within the Local Plan. The results of this consultation have been quietly published and can be found on the County Council’s Web Site at:

The results of the consultation show that there is very little, if any, support for the inclusion of the St George’s Barracks Site within the Local Plan. That is to say that there is strong condemnation and concern at the proposals put forward by the County Council. Your voice has been heard – the challenge will now be to make RCC change the current proposal to build over 2,200 new homes on the site. The Parish Council will be publishing a response to the consultation document shortly, which we will send to every County Councillor.

For ease of Reference I am attached the key documents to this post:



LPR St Georges Consultation 2018 summary of responses

LPR Additional sites 2018 summary of responses

Annual Governanace and Accountability Return 2018/19

The above return has been sent to the external auditors for their review. Attached is a copy having been signed by the internal auditor and and confirmed by the Parish Council on Monday 20th May at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

In accordance with Council transparency rules the accounts for NLPC will be available for the public to inspect between 17th June and 27th July 2019. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to exercise this right. Contact details for the clerk are; or 01780 408288


Sadly in the early hours of this morning the village was once more hit by a group of thieves targeting motor vehicles. It is most strongly recommended that all valuable items are removed from cars overnight and that particular care is taken in respect of Sat Navs, Keys, Cash etc. Please remain vigilant, ensure that your car is locked  and report any suspicious activity to the Police.

Paul Cummings – 01780 720124

Been subject to a crime? Or want to prevent one from happening? Go to

Annual Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 20th May @7pm NL Community Centre

Please see below the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings.

Temporary Closure of Permissive Walkway

Due to the need to carry out weed control along parts of the permissive walkway that runs from Edith Weston Road round to the entrance to the allotments, the walkway will be closed from midday on Saturday 11th May 2019 through to midday on Monday 27th May 2019. The Parish Council apologises for any inconvienance that this may cause