Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Reminder: Annual Parish Meeting: 11th April 2022

The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is an opportunity for parishioners to have their say on the activities of the parish council and make suggestions of future projects that could be undertaken. There will be a presentation of our activities following which parishioners will be invited to give their comments, so please do come along. The APM will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. However if you are unable to attend your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please email them to

Please click on the link below which has the agenda, purpose of the APM and the APM News letter that has been distributed to each household.

Damage to Play Equipment on The Oval

There has been damge to play equipment on The Oval and unfortunately it looks deliberate. There has also been damage to the wooden bridge over the River Chater on the footpath from the Church towards the railway bridge on Glebe Rd. It also looks as though it might have been deliberate.

If you do see any antisocial behaviour please contact the police. If you have information that might be helpful our beat officer, PC Icke, may be contacted by email:

Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The draft North Luffenham Neighbourhood Plan, having been approved by North Luffenham Parich Council, has been submitted to Rutland County Council for screening to make sure it complies with various statutory reqiurments. This takes 4-6 weeks and if it meets these requirements there will be an extensive consultation, called Regulation 14, with residents of the parish.

Community Centre Fibre Broadband

The installation of Full Fibre broadband in the Community Centre has now been completed. The Wi-Fi is now powered by a fibre optic cable providing capacity for up to 1 Gigabit. Currently it is enabled for a stable 100Mb/Sec connection.

The Community Centre is available for any organisation or person to book, and so if you would like to take advantage of this new facility (maybe for an important Zoom meeting whilst the kids are playing games via your home Internet? ) please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

NLPC and Trust Meetings Monday 21st February

The agenda and supporting papers are attached below and can be downloaded as needed

Bench News 2

With further exciting news on benches in North Luffenham (we know how to attract people to the web site…) a new bench was installed on the Oval today.

This was purchased by the Parish Council from the Men and Women in Sheds project in Oakham, and has a special space left free for pushchairs or wheelchair users.

NLPC General and Trust Meetings to be held on Monday 24th January at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre

Please click in the links below for the agendas and papers.


Some eight months ago the siting of benches around the circular walk of Glebe Rd, the Settings, Moor Lane and near South Luffenham was proposed. Finally the Benches have been sited and provide a place to rest awhile, especially those less able, and enjoy the countryside.

North Luffenhan and South Luffenham Parish Councils would like to thank the residents of North and South Luffenham and the organisations for their generous donations that have made this possible.

Thanks also to Ash Bates for his help in securing the benches to their bases

North Luffenham Parish Council General and Trust Meetings 20th December 2021 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Please note that if you wish to attend the meetings NLPC requests that you do a Lateral Flow Test on the day. Unless exempt, please wear a mask.

Please click below for the agenda and papers.

NLPC Planning Committee Meeting: Wednesday 8th December at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre

The Planning Committe will discuss two applications and the agenda and links to the applications are below. The public may attend and comments will be taken into consideration by the committee.

Planning Applications can be viewed on the Rutland County Council Website on the following link:

The application for the felling of the trees on Glebe Rd. 2021/1361/CAT can be downloaded, below, or viewed on and enter in the search 2021/1361/CAT

The application for the proposal of the agriculture building 2021/1378/AGP can be viewed on the link: and enter in the search 2021/1378/AGP or click on this rather big link: