Author Archives: Parish Clerk

NLPC and Trust Meetings; Monday 2nd March 2020 @ 7pm North Luffenham Community Centre

Please find attached the agendas and supporting papers for the forthcoming meetings as above

Use of field below the Primary School

I have received a request from the owner of the field below the primary school that walkers stay on the designated footpath that goes from the stone style in the Church graveyard to the metal bridge crossing at the bottom of the field. Could residents please not enter the field by the gate or fence at the corner of Glebe Road. Thank you

SGB Development

A Crucial point where your County needs YOU!!
On Monday 20th January and Monday 27th January 2020 Rutland County Councillors are being asked to vote on 3 major issues which effect the whole of Rutland.
Please attend these meetings and speak to your elected ward Councillor. Your Councillors vote is important and it is vital that you voice your concerns.
Monday 20th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will vote on two issues – Whether or not to accept the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) grant funding and the Councils Corporate Plan 2019-2024.
Accepting the HIF grant funding will lead to irreversible and unnecessary urbanisation at St Georges Barracks. Rutland will change forever. It will affect our local towns, our economies, the traffic flow on our rural roads and could lead to further urbanisation in other parts of the County. Are the ‘infrastructure first’ promises being upheld? Just one of many questions which need to be asked.
Monday 27th January 2020 7:00 PM – Council Chambers Catmose, Oakham
The Councillors will be asked to support the Local Plan and allow it to proceed to the next stage. This is the pre-submission version which will be the version presented to the Inspector. The proposed Local Plan includes St Georges Barracks and addresses development needs across the whole of the county.
The Chief Executive and the Cabinet at RCC are very focused on proceeding with these matters as quickly as possible.
There are many questions which need to be asked.
• Have RCC mitigated all risks involved in accepting the HIF grant funding?
• Has your Councillor seen and had enough time to make an informed decision of their own?
• What improvements will there be to rural roads to cope with the extra traffic?
• When will any improvement happen?
• When will the promised new school be built?
• What extra strain will be put on local public services and your doctor’s surgery?

NLPC and Trust Meetings: Monday 20th January 2020

Please find attached the agenda and papers for the above meetings to be held at North Luffenham Community Centre at 7pm

NLPC and Trust Meetings Monday 2nd December 2019

Please find attached the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings to be held at North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.00pm

Planning Application: 30 Kings Road, North Luffenham

2019/1020/FUL PROPOSAL: Single storey infill extension linking front of property with existing garage and alterations to garage to provide utility and store room.

Please see attached the details of the above planning application

NL Parish Council and Trust Meetings: Monday 28th October @ 7.00pm NL Community Centre

Please find attached Agendas and supporting papers for next Mondays meetings

RCC Snow warden scheme

Last year Rutland County Council initiated a Snow Warden scheme which was set up to support the local gritting of footways across Rutland’s parishes. This scheme asked parishes to attempt to compile a number of volunteers who would be prepared to grit the local footpaths within their immediate area. In 2018/19 there were fourteen volunteers who signed up to the scheme. Through the Snow Warden Scheme, RCC will provide advice and equipment to any volunteers. We are keen for the parish councils to oversee this volunteer project in their area and encourage their local communities to get involved to provide support to their local community. Rutland County Council would like to invite the parish council and any local residents who are interested in getting involved in the snow warden scheme to a training meeting on 15th October 2019 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber at our Catmose Office.

The Snow Warden must:

  • be nominated as suitable by the town or parish council or similar body
  • have received suitable training by RCC to carry out Snow Warden duties
  • agree to work within the advice provided by the county council
  • agree to work to the parish council’s plan that has been agreed with RCC
  • be registered with RCC

The Snow Warden will be working on behalf of the parish council, not RCC

If there any residents interest please can they contact the Parish clerk: Telephone 01780 408288 or email:

Attached are further details and an application form along with what you need to do