Category Archives: Parish Council

Keep up to date with the latest news from the North Luffenham Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan for North Luffenham

Taking control of planning in the village

How would you like the Parish of North Luffenham to look in 10 to 20 years time? The Village Survey of 2017 indicated that the general environment and proximity to the countryside were very important and being part of a community as important to the residents of North Luffenham

The proposed development of St. George’s Barracks, with a new town bigger than Uppingham, is a threat to the environment of North Luffenham in terms of visual impact and increased traffic. The local parish councils are striving to reduce the numbers of houses in the development, but it is likely that there will be some utilisation of the former airfield.

A Neighbourhood Plan enables local communities to control the planning of the area in which they live and work. It can be used to:

  • Develop a shared vision for your neighbourhood.
  • Choose where new homes and other development should be built.
  • Identify and protect important local green spaces.
  • Influence what new buildings should look like.

It is essentially a planning document for the whole of the parish, and as such can influence any development on St. George’s within the parish boundary.(p.t.o.)

Only a Parish Council can initiate a Neighbourhood Plan, but it can only be successfully impact the St Georges development with the support of the village and the Parish Council wants your help and enthusiasm to see it through.

There will be a presentation  at the Community Centre on 9th December at 7.0 pm.

The parish council feel it is important to the future of the village so please, if you are able, try and attend either just to know more or would like to be involved in some way.

All welcome; please do come.

NLPC and Trust Meetings Monday 2nd December 2019

Please find attached the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings to be held at North Luffenham Community Centre at 7.00pm

Planning Application: 30 Kings Road, North Luffenham

2019/1020/FUL PROPOSAL: Single storey infill extension linking front of property with existing garage and alterations to garage to provide utility and store room.

Please see attached the details of the above planning application

North Luffenham Bonfire and Fireworks – 5th November

North Luffenham Parish Council will be holding their annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night on The Oval on Tuesday 5th November. The event will open at 6pm, with the fireworks starting at 6:30pm. There will be a Barbeque hosted by the Cricket Club, and hot drinks and mulled wine will be available. The fireworks are funded by donations on the night, and so please give generously to the bucket collectors. Help is still required with stewarding and bucket collecting. If you would like to be part of the event please contact Charles Cade on 01780 720467

NL Parish Council and Trust Meetings: Monday 28th October @ 7.00pm NL Community Centre

Please find attached Agendas and supporting papers for next Mondays meetings

RCC Snow warden scheme

Last year Rutland County Council initiated a Snow Warden scheme which was set up to support the local gritting of footways across Rutland’s parishes. This scheme asked parishes to attempt to compile a number of volunteers who would be prepared to grit the local footpaths within their immediate area. In 2018/19 there were fourteen volunteers who signed up to the scheme. Through the Snow Warden Scheme, RCC will provide advice and equipment to any volunteers. We are keen for the parish councils to oversee this volunteer project in their area and encourage their local communities to get involved to provide support to their local community. Rutland County Council would like to invite the parish council and any local residents who are interested in getting involved in the snow warden scheme to a training meeting on 15th October 2019 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber at our Catmose Office.

The Snow Warden must:

  • be nominated as suitable by the town or parish council or similar body
  • have received suitable training by RCC to carry out Snow Warden duties
  • agree to work within the advice provided by the county council
  • agree to work to the parish council’s plan that has been agreed with RCC
  • be registered with RCC

The Snow Warden will be working on behalf of the parish council, not RCC

If there any residents interest please can they contact the Parish clerk: Telephone 01780 408288 or email:

Attached are further details and an application form along with what you need to do

Planning Application 2019/1000/CAT

PROPOSAL: Remove Juniper (T1) over greenhouse to just above ground level Keepers Cottage 1 Butt Lane North Luffenham Rutland LE15 8JN

An application for the above proposal has been received by the Local Planning Authority and you are invited to submit your comments by 9 October 2019. The details of the application are available at 2019/1000/CAT.

NLPC and Trust Meetings: Monday 2nd Sept 2019

Please find attached the agenda’s for the above meetings along with supporting papers.

The meetings will be at North Luffenham Community Centre starting at 7pm

Retrospective Planning Application: Land At St George’s Barracks Welland Road Edith Weston Rutland

Please see the attached retrospective planning application with regard to the above. It relates to the Change of use of hardstanding from an airfield to B8 vehicle storage: 2019/0736/FUL

St Georges Barracks – Lorry Parking Planning Application

It has been noticed that there is a retrospective planning application for lorry parking on the old airfield at St Georges Barracks.

This planning application was not formally notified to North Luffenham Parish Council, although part of the land covered by the application seems to be within the Parish boundary. NLPC will be following up with RCC on this application (Edith Weston Parish Council have lodged an objection already)

The planning application is available here for review by any interested residents: