Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Knit ‘n’ Natter production line of ‘Angel Bears’

Angel Bears 1The ladies of North Luffenham have not been idle over the winter months.

Instead we have being busy knitting ‘Angel bears’ which are used by Lincolnshire Police to console children involved in road traffic accidents or similar traumatic situations.

A total of over thirty bears have been knitted with loving care so far.

If anyone is interested in joining the group or having a go at knitting one at home, please contact us through the website.

“Use of Light” Notes from 18th March Camera Club Meeting

Candid Shots

We had a very varied Display of the current Theme Candid shots” and these will be displayed in the Community Centre Case.

2015 Calendar

Our calendar for next year e progress is being made on the selection of these photos. January and February were chosen and show Village activities – Horse Riding and Ploughìng.

Use of Light

Coloured Straws by Paul Cummings

The usual meeting format was changed this time; in order to learn more about the settings of our cameras and the use of light, there were practical exercises.

This involved six indoor sessions using reflectors and torches , lightbox and flash on coloured water, card, flowers and oil. We got some good sparkler pictures outside too.  Please see gallery of results below.

Norfolk Outing

On May 11th, there is an Outing to the Norfolk coast with Andrew James. Andrew has been a photojournalist for many years and will be helping with landscape and Seascape photography. There are a couple of places at a cost of £50 – please contact Pam if you would like further details. This is open to anyone in the village and local area.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is on May 20th at 8pm at the Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along. The March, April and May photos for the 2015 calendar will be sorted out. Next Theme is “A Good Day Out” which will include the Norfolk Outing. Do join us and bring along a couple of Theme photos if you wish.

Written by Pam Plant, Camera Club

Use of Light Gallery


Draw and Paint

Do you have a few hours to spare on a Monday 24th March between 12.45pm and 3.00pm. and would like to join a Art class at the Community Centre to DRAW and PAINT – if so come and join our Group.

We meet for the summer session, both indoors and out, on 28th April, followed by fortnightly days during May and early June. One or two days are held in members gardens during the summer holidays.

Please contact Angela Leather for more details.

Bowling through the winter

The two teams are two third through the season which finishes in early April. Both are well up in their division. The A team is in the first division of the East Cambridgeshire League and have been for many years. Usually they win the Cup.

The other team is also in the League and is doing well in the second division but with four games to go – anything may happen!

Luckily the dreadful rainy season has not affected any away games but some opposing teams have had to reschedule owing to weather or sickness.

Watching curling in the Olympics has proved popular with some members! There is some affinity between the two games! Both require co-ordination between hand and eye, concentration and tactics.

Good luck to all players for the rest of the season.

Sylvia M Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

2012 – 2013 Golf Society Presentation Evening

The North Luffenham Golf Society is now in its 8th year and we are proud that it is still going strong with new members joining each year (see below).Golf Society Trophies

The annual NLGS Presentation Evening was held on Saturday 15th February at the Coach House, South Luffenham. A good time was had by all our members who turned out for this event, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the food, the company and of course the wine!

The results for 2012/13 were presented by two of our committee members, Judy Cade and Adi Ward, the results are as follows:

County Cup                       Simon (Chubba) Homer (2nd year running)

Spring Trophy                   Gill Bedford (Away weekend @ Pidley)

Easter Trophy                   Simon Homer (Toft)

Mayflower Cup                 Simon Homer (Market Harborough)

Summer Salver                 Graham Dexter (Thorpe Wood)

Perryman Cup                   Rob King (Stoke Rochford)

Autumn Trophy                Graham Ball (New Member)

Winter Cup                        Graham Dexter

Most Improved                 Graham Dexter


Order of Merits

Ladies                                 Judy Cade

3rd Place                            Charles Cade
2nd Place                            Rob King
1st (Overall)                       Simon Homer

It seems last season both Simon and Graham had an excellent result, claiming a good portion of the prizes.  Lets all give them a good run for their money this year!

Adi thanked all our members for their continued support and wished them a very successful and enjoyable 2013/14 season.

New members

Last year saw NLGS gain some new members, one of which (Graham Ball) won the Autumn Trophy.  Well done Graham!  Our list of members is continually growing!

The new signed up members are:

Graham Ball
Robb Tapp

Welcome to the club and good luck this year!

New members are always encouraged and welcome to join our golf society.  We hold around 8 meetings per year at various golfing locations in and around the area, including an away weekend in the Spring and a meeting in July (usually Thorpe Wood) which culminates in a good old get together with free food and drinks for members (non members welcome for a nominal charge).

All our meetings are geared to give everyone a fighting chance of winning something, so apart from the overall winner and 1st lady prizes, we offer nearest the pin prizes and occasionally longest drive and nearest the line prizes.

So what are you waiting for, there’s plenty to aim for and great fun at the same time, and membership is only £10 per person per year!  Anyone interested, please contact one of the committee members.

Our next meeting (Easter Cup) will be held on Saturday 12th April at Burghley Park Golf Club, 1st tee 1pm, if you would like to join us, please contact the Golf Society.

A list of all 2013/14 Society meetings will be posted out via email to all our members and displayed on the village website very soon, so watch out for those and get them penned in your diaries!  Let’s hope we have a glorious summer!

Wishing all our members (and of course myself) an enjoyable, fun and successful season.

Michelle, Committee Member, Golf Society

Help make Church Kneelers to commemorate WWI Centenary

WWI CentenaryAs part of commemorating the First World War Centenary, North Luffenham church would like to have some suitable kneelers made.

These tapestry kneelers are a way of remembering the valuable lives and sacrifices made by those people, both on the battlefields and on the home front.

Red CrossThe kneelers are embroidered in simple cross stitch and they can be worked on by various people in turn. Some designs are more complicated than others.

Details can be found on Church Kneelers.

If you are interested to take part, please contact Liliane Coogan, Knit & Natter.

Candid Shots and Practical Excercises

The next meeting of the North Luffenham Camera Club is on March 18th at the Community Centre at 8pm.

The theme for this meeting’s display is “Candid Shots” and the January to March Calendar photographs will be chosen.

Practical exercises will be set up so please bring cameras and laptops.

All visitors are most welcome.

For photography enthusiasts, there is a new Photography Exhibition at the NEC Birmingham from 1st – 4th March.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Apple Tree Pruning and Grafting Workshops

If you would like some help and advice on how to look after your apple trees, Stamford Community Orchard Group (SCOG) are running pruning and grafting workshops in the next few weeks.

The pruning workshop is on Saturday 22nd February 10am – 1pm at Castor.

The grafting workshop is on Saturday 8th March from 10am – 1pm at Egleton.

Please see attached for prices and how to book.

Apple Tree Pruning Workshop 22feb14

Apple Tree Grafting Workshop 8mar14


via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Cricket Club Meet & Greet Evening

your local cricket club needs you

The Cricket club will be having a “Meet and Greet” evening at the Fox and Hounds on Friday 28th February from 7pm to 9pm.

This is an event for all current / potential players and anyone interested in helping with the club activities to gather and catch up on the plans for the coming season.

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Spring term dates for Art Group meetings

We meet again on Monday 10th February at 12.45pm (prompt) in the Community Centre,
followed by meetings on 24th February, 10th and 24th March, and 9th April.

This term we are looking at techniques using water based mediums i.e. watercolour,
gouche and acrylics. The subject for the next few meetings will cover landscape.

New members are always welcome.

via Angela Leather, Art Group

Good Companions 2014 Calendar

  • Wed 5th feb – decisions. maybe a quiz? Depending on time.
  • Wed 5th mar – Beetle drive
  • Wed 2nd apr – What I did at the Olympics – Judy Cade
  • Wed 7th may – Flower arranging to be discussed ? With Sue Sewell
  • Wed 4th june – Village photos with Janet, bring your own too.
  • Wed 2nd july – Visit to open garden at the Jetties.
  • Wed 6th aug – Music with Allan Black.
  • Wed 3rd sept – On the mission field. with Helen.
  • Wed 1st oct – Off the wall.
  • Wed 5th nov – Crafts.
  • Wed3rd dec – Christmas Lunch.
  • Wed 18th june is the village trip to Skegness.

The Good companions meet at the community center at 2pm. The fees are £10 annual subscription, plus £1 per meeting which includes tea cakes and a door prize ticket.

There is also a separate raffle to help raise funds.

Outings to be discussed at first meeting.

Everyone welcome, come and visit, decide if you want to join us.

January 2014 Camera Club meeting notes

Sue Churchill showed us some fantastic photos of the Pyrenees Orientale throughout the seasons- what a beautiful place and so unspoilt. Autumn is particularly lovely with the tree colours in the mountains and so sunny!

Members have made inroads into the choice of photos for the next calendar of Village Life with – the Produce Show, Harvest Festival, Bonfire night and Christmas decorations. The next three months photos will be chosen at the March meeting.

NEXT MEETING will be March 18th at 8pm at the Community Centre. Members will bring cameras and laptops to do some practical experiments and then discuss issues arising from these.

The Theme for photos to take during the next few weeks and to show at this meeting is CANDID SHOTS- that will be a challenge!

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Knit a bear to help Police console children involved in traffic accidents

Knitted Bears

Lincolnshire Police are asking residents in the county if they are able to make knitted bears to donate some to them for consoling children.

In the past, if a child is involved in a road traffic collision, they would be given a free knitted bear to help keep them calm in a frightening experience. This then helps police and other emergency services deal with the accident.

However, the charity which used to knit and provide the bears — known as Angel Bears — is no longer in existence. This means Lincolnshire Police is running out of bears to give to children for free.

Police HQ is asking any knitting clubs or individuals in the county that would be willing to become part of their volunteer base to knit an annual supply of 500 bears to get in touch.

The force need enough for the next intake, required around September 2014. Bears need to be stuffed and knitted to a set pattern.

Liliane Coogan has the patterns for these teddy bears. Come along on a Thursday evening at the Fox and Hounds at 7.30pm and you can have a copy of the knitting patterns.

via Liliane Coogan, Knit & Natter

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Cricket Club AGM on February 2nd

Cricket Club Crest

North Luffenham Cricket Club Crest

The Cricket Club will be holding their AGM on Sunday February 2nd @ 11am in the Cricket Pavilion.

All welcome – Agenda will be published beforehand, but will cover Junior Cricket, Nets, Club Finances and the coming seasons games.

There may also be an informal post AGM discussion in the Fox and Hounds afterwards 🙂

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Carpet Bowls Club End of Year Party

A party was enjoyed by players, family and friends at the community centre on 30 December. The hall was used to play games on the bowling mats. This was good fun as children and adults could compete on equal terms.

The kitchen came in useful serving drinks, hot and cold. Food was supplied by members of the club and laid out in the lounge for people to help themselves, which they did with gusto.

A separate table had to be brought into use for the delightful deserts. The lounge was able to seat everyone and old and new members had a re-union chatting, and eating.

Everyone helped to clear up after the festivities and thanks was given to all those who contributed.

A happy new year was wished by all to everyone.

via Sylvia Lawson, Carpet Bowls Club

Check the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham to find out what’s happening in the village this month.

Find out more about what the Parish Council is doing for your village and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Was your New Year resolution to learn something new?

New College StamfordIt’s that time again when you can apply for the adult evening classes at Stamford College.

via Linda Burrows, Knit and Knatter

Find out what’s happening in the village this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014.

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“The Captivating World of Plants” by Tom Hart Dyke

Gardening enthusiasts may be interested to know that the Rutland Hardy Plant Society has also arranged another interesting lecture by Tom Hart Dyke, plant hunter and garden maker speaking on “The Captivating World of Plants” to be held on Saturday 22 February 2014 at 7.30pm at Oakham School.

The Captivating World of Plants

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

Keep it Snappy!

The photographic classes at the North Luffenham Garden Club Autumn Show, held every September, have continued to grow in popularity.

Here are the categories for this year’s show (Sunday September 14th 2014) so you can keep them in mind over the next 9 months.

  1. Flowers and gardens
  2. Landscape
  3. Portraits (includes pets/animals)
  4. Sports and leisure
  5. Doorways and gateways
  6. Open (any photo that doesn’t fit into the previous categories such as abstract)
  7. Under 16s (any subject)

Happy snapping and we look forward to seeing your entries!

via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club

Want to know what’s happening in the village this month? Please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.

“Companion Planting” Talk by Andrew Sankey

Our programme of speakers continues on Thursday January 9th @ 7.30pm in the Community Centre with the return of Andrew Sankey to talk on ‘Companion Planting’.

Andrew is a garden designer/landscaper, nurseryman and lecturer with a special interest in cottage gardens. He regularly runs series of lectures for the WEA in Stamford & Oakham, with one starting in Oakham in May on Elizabethan Gardens and Shakespeare’s Flowers.

The talk is guaranteed to be entertaining and packed full of useful information.

Guests always welcome for £2 – annual subscription £10 per person.

Details of our full programme can be found on our 2014 Calendar and include a full day outing, run jointly with Empingham Garden Club on July 20th to RHS Harlow Carr, and for the first time on October 11th/12th a chance to bring along your own apples and press them into juice (with equipment borrowed from SCOG)! Let’s hope it’s a good harvest!!

Happy New Year – hope you have a blooming good 2014!!

via Katy Ellis, North Luffenham Garden Club

For more events happening this month, please go to the January What’s On Guide for North Luffenham.

Find out more about what is being done for the village by your Parish Council and attend the next meeting on Monday 20th  January 2014. 

Do you have one of these social media accounts?

  • Facebook – You can now add your own posts to the North Luffenham Facebook timeline.
  • Twitter – If you follow or mention North Luffenham on Twitter, we’ll follow you back and retweet all mentions. 
  • Google Plus – Follow the North Luffenham website’s Google+ page, or join and post to the North Luffenham Community page on Google+.