Church Bell Ringing

A few weeks ago the bells were inspected to make sure all was safe and were rung recently. Apparently a few people were concerned that all was not well. It is pleasing to report that parish life has continued on as normal.

So, please just enjoy and don’t be alarmed when the bells are rung again on Tuesday 21st February between 7.30pm – 9.00pm.

Agenda and Supporting Documents for the Parish Council and Trust meetings on the 20th of Feb 23

Public Information Leaflet from the Ministry of Defence

St. George’s Barracks has asked that the public information leaflet on dog walking on Ministry of Defence land be posted: please download or click on the link below.

Please also note the information on the red flag, which when flying, means there is no public access to the site. In the future the barracks is making sure that the red flag is flying only when there is military activity.

Proposed Solar Farm South of Pilton: Consultation

In-person exhibition event will be held at: 

Wing Village Hall, Morcott Road, Wing, Oakham, LE15 8SA 

Tuesday 24th January from 2:00 – 7:00 pm

Webinars will be held on:

Wednesday 25th January – 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Thursday 26th January – 12:30 – 1:30 pmTo register for a webinar, please email

For more information on the proposed development please click on this link:

Neighborhood Plan

Please see the below documents that relate to the neighborhood plan that will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on the 16th of January 2023.


The Good Companions Club is arranging a weekly “winter warmer drop in” at the Community Centre during the winter period, starting from Thursday 12th January, and thereafter every Thursday through to the 2nd March, between 1pm and 3pm.  We want to offer somewhere warm and inviting for anyone that wants to come along, with the promise of free tea/coffee/cake…and a great way to enjoy the company of fellow villagers.  If you have a jigsaw puzzle or reading books you’d like to swap, play cards and board games, or simply to spend a couple of hours in a warm place… it’s entirely up to you.  All are welcome, just come along on the day.

For anyone that would be willing to volunteer in helping out it would be hugely appreciated, please speak to Alison on 07769 322551 for more details.

A memorable night in North Luffenham – Oh Yes It Was!!!

Forget dancing on ice. Forget Strictly. Last night The villagers of North Luffenham witnessed Pantomime on Ice! And what a night it was! From a garish pantomime dame to a wicked villain selling very dodgy stuff this pantomime did everything it set out to do.

The car park at The Fox was heaving with Christmas spirit filled revellers who embraced the whole evening and joined in with the cast in the general mayhem and revellry.

Yes, the weather was cold but the atmosphere was so full of warmth and fun and the feedback from everyone has been so generous. We have already turned our thoughts to next year and early suggestion are either a modern version of Scot of The Antarctic or possibly Frozen! It was also suggested that if the World Cup can be held in winter then maybe the pantomime can be staged in Summer! In this village anything can be made possible!

If anyone captured any of the evening on photos it would be great to see them and add them to the Village Archives and to the website. So if you have photos and would like to share them please Whatsapp them to me on 07774456788. Thank you in advance.

I really must say a massive thank you to the fantastic cast and associated team who made this all possible. I won’t single out any one member of the cast as everyone was just so brilliant. From our first get together to the actual performance the enthusiasm and general desire to put on something we and the village as a whole could be proud of just built and built. So a truly massive thank you to you all. Also thank you to KayBee Developments for the loan of the lights that made the Ice Rink we acted on so much more visible! A massive thanks to Liz Caffarelli for the wonderful make up. (Sue made me take it off before going to bed last night. Apparently waking up in the same make up you went out in the night before is not the done thing!) And then thank you to Graham Madgwick for providing the sound system and controlling the music so well. Thank you also to Lin for serving up lashings of hot mulled wine that kept the frost bite at bay and to the bar staff at The Fox for keeping the audience well topped up throughout!

My final thank you goes to Jason for everything he did to facilitate the pantomime at The Fox. He put in a tremendous amount of work for this pantomime both before and on the day to prepare the stage and generally create a great atmosphere for everyone on the night, and not least to break it all down afterwards.

To all involved then a huge thank you, and to all who came on the night a huge thank as well. We all loved putting this on for you and we all hope you loved it just as much!!

Have a great Christmas and remember to open a tin of beans with your Christmas dinner. Who knows, you may just get three wishes!