Category Archives: Clubs and Societies

Keep up to date with news from clubs and societies in North Luffenham, Rutland, UK

Home vs Spalding Under 9’s Cricket Match Report

Cricket Bat at RestThe Under 9 cricket team got off to a flying start to the season on Sunday by securing a home win against Spalding by 30 runs 🙂

The home team were cheered on by villagers & parents who turned out in support & stopped for a cuppa!

The chilly conditions didn’t deter & it was a great all round game. We have a few shining stars of the future!

Our next home fixture will be on Sunday 12th May with all games starting at 10 am.

Fingers crossed for better weather this season, see you up on the oval!

via Sallyann Marson, Cricket Club

Get growing for the Autumn Show!!

table of vegThe Garden Club Autumn Show is being held this year on Sunday September 15th – that may seem ages away but you can start your entries now!

Did you know that as well as the usual classes for fruit and veg we have a class for heaviest marrow, heaviest pumpkin and sunflower head with largest diameter (adult and children)? Get sowing this weekend and grow your entry, and get the kids involved too!

Did you also know that a new class was introduced last year for best ‘homemade alcoholic beverage’, so if brewing is your thing, make something in the coming months.

This year we have revamped the flower arranging classes – choose from:

  1. ‘A Celebration arrangement’ (accessories may be used.)
  2. ‘Simply Red’, an arrangement using plant material only i.e. Flowers, foliage, berries and twigs
  3. Small arrangement for a table.

And finally, if photography is your thing, get snapping – categories this year are Faces (any – people, animals etc), Flower Power, Village Life, Holidays, Light, Close up ( anything). Children (under 16 yrs old) can enter photos of all the above subjects which will be judged separately.

Full schedules should be available next month – to obtain one, please contact secretary Katy Ellis at the Garden Club.

via Katy Ellis, Garden Club

Please view the programme calendar for more Garden Club organised events in 2013.

sunflower heads

Cricket Match Fixtures for May 2013

Cricket Ball

Cricket Deal Direct U9’s Fixtures

League Results

  1. Sunday 28th April – Home vs Spalding
  2. Sunday 5th May – Away vs Bourne
  3. Sunday 12th May – Home vs Billingborough
  4. Sunday 19th May – Away vs Peterborough B
  5. Sunday 26th May – Home vs Nassington

All games 10am starts

Team Manager

  • Sallyanne Marsons


U11’s South League

League Results

  1. Tuesday 30th April – Home vs Orton Park                          
  2. Wednesday 8th May – Home vs Uffington                     
  3. w/c 13th May – Away vs Uppingham                     
  4. Wednesday 22nd May – Home vs Uppingham (plate competition)
  5. Wednesday 29th May – Home vs Oakham Tigers

All games 6pm starts

Team managers

  • Bill Whittaker
  • Matt Butcher


Belinda Smith U13’s South League

League Results

  1. Thursday 2nd May – Home vs Stamford
  2. Tuesday 7th May – Away vs Ufford Park
  3. Thursday 23rd May – Home vs Oakham
  4. Wednesday 29th May – Away vs Ketton

All games 6pm starts

Team Manager

  • Bill Whittaker
  • Tim Osman


1st Team Burrough & District Evening League 2013

  1. Tuesday 30th April – Away vs Sproxton
  2. Tuesday 7th May – Home vs Whissendine
  3. Tuesday 14th May – Cup Round 1 – Home vs Thorpe Arnold
  4. Tuesday 21st May Home vs Great Dalby
  5. Tuesday 28th May – Home vs Barkby 2nd


1st Team Friendly Fixtures

  1. Saturday 11th May – Away at Empingham at 2pm
  2. Sunday 19th May – Home vs Laxton at 2pm

via Pete Burrows, Cricket Club

Field trip to photograph Exton village

The next Camera Club meeting will be on Tuesday 7th May 2013 at 6pm.

This evening will be in Exton, meeting at the Fox and Hounds.

We will spend an hour or two taking photos around the village and area and meet up again for a meal about 7.30 for 8pm. This outing depends on the state of our weather!

Following on from this, we will have our usual meeting on the Tuesday 21st May at 8pm in the Community Centre.

The themes for the meeting on the 21st, together with Exton photos, are Flora and Fauna and/or Signs of the Zodiac.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

Our Ash Trees

Ash TreeNLCC talk by Rupert Conant on Tuesday 19th March.

There was a really good turnout on such a chilly evening. The speaker’s travels have covered Northern Iraq, Eastern Europe and India. His emphasis was on the lives of the people,their homes, work and the influence of modern times on this.

He is very keen that all the changes are recorded and, on the technical side, he indicated that we should “feel free to break the rules” when taking photos.

As a follow on from recording changes, he has suggested that the group’s photos are a good way to record the changes taking place in our local landscape – e.g. the state, fate and possible demise of our Ash trees.

So if anyone would like to contact the Camera Club with any local photos of these, so we can add them to our webpage and build up a picture of before and after.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Cricket Club Committee Meeting Agenda for 11th March 2013

North Luffenham Cricket Club Committee Meeting

11th March 2013

8pm at The Fox and Hounds


  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Matter arising
  4. Secretary’s report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Membership secretary
  7. Ground/clubhouse report
  8. Youth Cricket
  9. Nets
  10. Fundraising
  11. AOB – Date of next mtg, Date of AGM – contact people.

Cricket Club 2013-2 Agenda for 11Mar20 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes from 24th Feb 2013


  • Charles Cade- Chairman
  • David Head- Secretary
  • Robin King- Treasurer
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Pete Burrows
  • Barry Read
  • Kevin Corby
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Colin Heasell
  • Woody Hodson
  • Sam Hodson


John King, Dave Neild, John House, Ken Forsyth, Rob Staniland, Denise Cunningham, Jo Spiegl and Ian Ferguson.

Minutes of the 2011 AGM

held on 13th February 2011 were approved

Matters arising

Denise still has some shirts and will get them to us for the first junior session.

Chairman’s Report

Charles mentioned that while it is sad that there is no main weekend team at the moment, we need to look at the positives of a well maintained pitch and pavilion and run club, with a very successful junior section with a large number of youngsters which is good for the wider picture of cricket. He thanked all the committee & all those who put in the work to keep the club ticking over. It’s important to keep the club in good health because the time will come when league cricket returns at the weekends and it’s our duty to keep the club prepared for that event.

Secretary’s Report

David reported that 3 full committee meetings were held. Thanks to Bill for standing in as secretary during my absence from the village. The club continues to run satisfactorily. Many thanks to Bill, Ken, Colin and Robin for all their help, time & work on the square and the grounds over the past year. David also thanked John King for his continued loan of the ‘Fergie’ to enable the outfield to be cut regularly and also again to Colin for the occasional use of his mini-tractor. A big thank you to Sallyanne for her work with the juniors and to her and her family for the work they have done on the clubhouse in getting the inside looking good. Fixtures were now settled for the Burrough Mid Week League and we are awaiting details of the Rutland 2020 competition. A few friendly games are going to be organized for May to August. Already been approached by Laxton.

Treasurer’s Report

Robin presented accounts for 2012 which showed a net surplus of £104.21 for 2012, meaning that at the end of 2012, we had a working balance of £1,361.18. Expenditure for 2013 will need to be addressed at the next committee meeting and ideas for a fundraising event. Charles thanked Robin & the accounts were adopted unanimously.

Junior Cricket

The junior section continues to be the success of the club. No firm decision had been made yet in regards to the number of age groups to play in 2013 but it was hoped we would be able to offer U9, U11 and U13. A coach and manager would need to be found for the U13 group. The meeting thanked Sallyanne for all her hard work.


Pete Burrows reported that the Facebook account has been re-activated, as have the domain names for the generic email addresses. We have an NLCC page on the village website at We need to promote the website to all players, VP’s and club members, and get them to subscribe, to get alerts of any village and cricket news. Charles thanked Pete for his work on this.

Ground/Clubhouse report

Bill reiterated the thanks to Ken, Colin and Robin for their help over the season with the square and outfield and especially to Sallyanne and her family for their efforts with the clubhouse. The square preparation has already started. Equipment is all ok. The cooker for the kitchen has been ordered. The meeting thanked Bill, Ken, Colin, Robin and Sallyanne for their hard work.

Election of Officers

John King wished to stand down as President of the club. David to send a letter of thanks to John for all his support over the many years of being our president.

The following were elected:-

President – Bill Whittaker – Bill was unanimously suggested and selected as our new president.

Vice- Presidents – All the VP’s were re-elected, with the change of Bill Whittaker becoming President and John King being elected as a Vice President.

Main Committee
  • Chairman – Charles Cade
  • Vice-Chairman– vacant, but Dave Brew to be asked if he would consider the roll.
  • Secretary – David Head
  • Treasurer – Robin King
  • Fixture Secretary – David Head
  • Junior Organiser/Welfare Officer – Sallyanne Marsons
  • Membership Secretary – Pete Burrows
  • Captains midweek team – Woody Hodson and Sam Hodson
  • General Committee – Club Officers and team captains automatically + all of last year’s members elected to the general committee

Any Other Business

Committee meeting organized for Monday 11th March, 8pm at the Fox and Hounds. Suggestion that the club put together a proposal to the parish council with regards the re-development of the pavilion and cricket nets as part of the proposed recreational development.

The meeting closed at 12.15pm

Cricket Club 2012 AGM Minutes 24Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14th Jan 2013


  • Charles Cade – Chairperson
  • David Head-Secretary
  • Robin King – Treasurer
  • Pete Burrows – Membership
  • Bill Whittaker
  • Sallyanne Marsons
  • Jo Skelham
  • Matt Butcher
  • Dave Brew
  • Woody Hodson

1. Apologies

Tim Mayers. Helen Bishop

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

held on 19th July 2012 were accepted.

3. Matters Arising


4. Secretary’s Report

Thanks to Bill for standing in for me over the last 6 months during my absence from the village. Committee notified of the resignation of Denise Cunningham and Jo Spiegl from the committee and thanked for their support over the many years.

5. Treasurer’s Report

Income of £800 from the Parish Council for the mowing and £300 from the youth subs. Sallyanne has the tuck tin (approx. £100) to be used as a float for the new season. Current account approx. £1,100 & Deposit account approx £200. Known expenditure of sharpening the gang mowers and insurance.

6. Captains Report

As we have no captain, there was general discussion about next season. There will be no weekend league team.The Burrough league team will be organized by Woody and Sam Hodson (DH to chase fixtures).DH to investigate possible local friendly games in May, June, July and August..

7. Membership

Need to get the cricket club details onto the North Luffenham website, especially contact details for youth cricket and fixtures.

8. Ground/clubhouse

Very tidy clubhouse – big thanks to Sallyanne for sorting this out. Need to get 2 black camera club boards moved from the away changing room. Discussion about purchasing a cooker and/or BBQ. Consensus was to get a cooker. To be looked into in regards to cost and location in the kitchen. Water if currently off. Gazebo and gas BBQ seem to have disappeared.

9. Youth Cricket

Sallyanne has agreed to be in charge of the youth section. She had basically been doing the role the previous season and doing it fabulously. Youth meeting needed before season starts. U12 and U10 teams entered into winter league. Plans for next season is U7’s, U9’s and U11’s. U11’s to
be coached by Robin and managed by Bill, with help from Matt. U9 squad– going to look for a qualified coach (Bill to investigate). Will need a parent(s) to manage. Rest of the U9’s and U7’7 to be coached by Tim Osman, Graham and Jo. Need to get adverts etc into primary school newsletters and the camp and the Mercury. Fees for 2013 – £10 membership, £3 per week per child subs, £5 max per family.

10. Nets

Outside nets have been fixed. Bill to contact UCC regarding mid-week winter net sessions.

11. Fundraising

100 Club running OK. With no senior side, there seemed to be some perceived apathy within the village as to running a race night fundraising event for the cricket club. Thought not fully shared by the committee. Future event to be discussed at next meeting, but ideas of a race night, casino night, curry night, BBQ and a quiz were all mentioned.

12. Any Other Business

Date of AGM – Sunday 24th February 2013 at 11am in the Pavilion. David to contact all VP’s re GM and thank them for their continued support of NLCC.

Date of next meeting – to be arranged at AGM.

Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Cricket Club Committee Meeting Minutes 14Jan2013 [pdf]

via Pete Burrows, NLCC


A Springtime Songbook

Chater Community Choir returns to St Peter’s, Empingham on 18th May with ‘A Springtime Songbook’.

After a sell-out concert last December, this popular choir will be back in St Peter’s again with another concert on Saturday 18th May at 7.30pm.

The programme will include a selection of popular and traditional favourites along with some solo items to delight you on a warm spring evening.

Refreshments will be available and proceeds from the concert will again go to Charity.

Tickets are £5 each and are available from Tracy Steward.

Make a date in your diaries now and book early to be sure of a ticket!

via Tracy Steward, Chater Community Choir

Follow the choir on Facebook and watch past performances on Youtube.

Golf Society Newsletter March 2013

Welcome to North Luffenham Golf Society, a society brought together by a local committee of North Luffenham residents with an appetite for playing good (or bad) golf with like minded people!

2013 is looking to be an exciting year of golf meetings with a new venue (Melton Mowbray) being layed early on in the season Sunday March 24th. Please refer to our events page for dates, venues and tee times. Should you wish to attend any of the meetings please let one of the committee members know as soon as possible so that you can be included.

Last weekend saw our annual away weekend take place at Pidley. Sixteen members attended and a great time was had by all, with a couple of games of ten pin bowling thrown in!

The first day of golf was an individual competition which the overall winner was Gill Bedford with an outstanding 40 points! also taking the ladies longest drive.

Graham Bedford took the top mens place with 36 points, nothing like keeping it in the family!

Deb King and Mike Powell took the nearest the pin prizes.

The second day of golf was a team AM AM game consisting of 3 balls, with the top team of Trisha Clarke, Rob King and Graham Bedford taking the prizes with 89 points, second being Michelle Powell, Charles Cade and Mark Branson with 79 points.

Congratulations to the winners and a terrific thank you to Trisha Clarke for organising this weekend event again. Great job! We hope you will all join us again next year with hopefully some new faces too.

Our next event is being held at Melton Mowbray on Sunday 24th March. Please contact Barry Read if you are interested in attending. This event is shortly followed by our Easter Event which is being held at Toft Golf Club on 13th April, organiser for this one is Judy Cade, again, please book your place as soon as possible.

If you need to contact any of the committee members, you can reach them via the Golf Society contact form.

via Michelle Powell, NLGS

Cricket Club Youth Coaching Sessions

Junior cricket coaching sessions will begin again on Monday 15th April 2013 from 6pm – 7pm for 5years (foundation year) – 13years old.

New members & players always welcome. Tuck shop open!

Junior annual membership is £10 per child plus £3 each week. (Max £5 per week per family).

For more details please contact the North Luffenham Cricket Club.

via Sallyanne, Cricket Club

Photographer Rupert Conant to speak at next Camera Club meeting on 19th March

The next North Luffenham Camera Club meeting is on 19th March at 8pm in the North Luffenham Community Centre.

Our speaker will be Rupert Conant, who has worked for the Guardian and Time Out magazine.

From his travels all over the world, Rupert has had photographs in many national newspapers – the Telegraph, Observer and The Independent.

He will be talking to us about photographs taken of his commissions in Eastern Europe and Northern Iraq.

Do put this date into your diaries as the evening promises to be very diverse and varied.


Contact the Camera Club for further details.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Abstract Photograph Gallery

Some abstract photos which were displayed at the Camera Club by various members during the meeting on Tuesday 15th January.

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Cricket Club 2012 Annual General Meeting Agenda

The North Luffenham Cricket Club wil be holding its 2012 Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24th February 2013 at 11:00am in The Pavilion on the Village Oval.

Anyone is welcome to attend, members or non-members.


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of 2011 meeting

3. Matter arising

4. Chairman’s report

5. Secretary’s report

6. Treasurer’s report

7. Youth Cricket report

8. Membership secretary

9. Ground/clubhouse report

10. Election of officers

a. President
b. Vice Presidents
c. Main Committee
i. Chairperson
ii.Vice chairperson
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer
v.Fixture Secretary
vi. Youth Cricket/Welfare Officer
vii. Membership Secretary
viii. Captain – midweek Burrough league
ix. General Committee

11. A.O.B

Download to Print: Cricket Club 2012 AGM Agenda.pdf

via Dave Head, Cricket Club

Golf Society 2013 Events Calendar

Dates Time Venue Price
Sat 12th January 07:30 PM Presentation evening, White Horse, Morcott £15.00
Sat 2nd to Sun 3rd March 10:00 AM Away Weekend at Pidley (2 rounds Golf, Bed & Breakfast and Evening Meal – Results £85.00
Sun 24th March 10:30 AM Melton Mowbray including meal £30.00
Sat 13th April TBA Toft TBA
Fri 31st May 02:00 PM Market Harborough £27.00
Fri 21st June TBA Thorpe Wood including BBQ Evening at North Luffenham Cricket Pavilion £20.00
Fri 9th August 02:00 PM Stoke Rochford £27.00
Sat 21st September 01:00 PM Corby £25.00
TBA TBA Rutland Water TBA
Sat 30th November 11:00 AM Rutland County TBA

For more details please contact the Golf Society.

via Judy Cade, North Luffenham Golf Society

Grand Canyon Photograph Gallery

Some of the photos which supported the Grand Canyon lecture that Sue Churchill presented at the recent North Luffenham village Camera Club meeting on Tuesday 15th January.

via Sue Churchill, Camera Club

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Camera Club Meeting Notes from 15th Jan 2013

The group met on Tuesday evening and were treated to a slideshow by fellow member Sue Churchill of her splendid, exhilarating holiday photos of White Water Rafting in the Grand Canyon. It was good to see so much sun on such a chilly night!

  • Visitors are welcome to any of our meetings, at a one-off cost of £3, or £10 subscription for the year.

    Canyon River Reflection

    View the complete Grand Canyon photo gallery here

  • The theme for 19th March meeting is “Signs of Spring” – members usually bring a couple of mounted 7″ x 5″ prints on the theme, which are put out for all to look at and discuss.
  • There will be an extra get- together before we hand in photos for the next calendar, so we can make sure that sizes are correct for the printer. Date and venue t.b.a.
  • Categories for the photography classes in the Garden Club show in September should be decided soon and will be posted when known so we can crack on with these.
  • Sue has kindly offered to help those of us who are interested, with putting our photos into a show with text and music. Do let me know if you would like to do this.
  • Ideas for the future to think about – would we like to hold an exhibition?
  • Challenge yourself monthly – read your camera manual and learn about a function you’ve not explored; look at other people’s work in competitions for inspiration like Wildlife Photographer of the Year

So, out now to catch the sun on those frosty trees – if you have not seen this yet, do try out the free website for tips on lots of subjects – DPS.

via Pam Plant, Camera Club

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Explore the Grand Canyon

The next Camera club meeting will be on Tuesday 15th January 2012 @ 8pm in the Community Centre, where members will be bringing along photos on the theme ‘Abstract‘, and Sue Churchill will be talking about and showing us her photos of the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon

photo credit: SteveD. via photopin cc

Subscriptions of £10 for the coming year are due.  All welcome.

via Katy, Camera Club

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