Category Archives: Parish Council Meetings

The latest meeting agendas and minutes issued by the Parish Council

EGM Meeting of North Luffenham Parish Council 28-10-21

Please download the attached documents for the agendas.

NLPC and Trust Meetings18-10-21at 7.30pm in Community Centre

NLPC General and Trust Meetings for Monday 13th September 2021 in the Community Centre

Minutes of NLPC and Trust Meetings held on 16th August 2021 @7.30pm

Please find attached the minutes of the above meetings.

Please note that the next NLPC has been moved to the 13th September from the 20th September.

NLPC Annual Parish Council and Trust Meetings: Monday 17th May 2021 @ NL Community Centre 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings. As this meeting is being held in the Community Centre we need to ensure that it is within the Covid guidelines for indoor meetings. As a consequence, we are restricted to having 15 people (including Cllrs and staff) in the room. Therefore we may need turn residents away if it looks that this number is going to be exceeded.

Any attendee must wear a face mask when they arrive and leave, santise their hands on entry and if they have a mobile phone, scan the QR code we have for the centre. If you do not have a phone then please complete the signing in sheet. We will ensure that the chairs are spaced 2 meters apart and will have been wiped down before use.

Finally if you have any of the following symptons then please do not attend:

a new continuous cough

a high temperature

a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell

North Luffenham Parish Council and Trust Meeting Dates

Dates from May 2021 – April 2022

All meetings are full Parish Council Meetings scheduled for Mondays unless stated otherwise below.  The meetings usually begin at 7.30pm unless otherwise notified online and on printed Agendas and take place in the North Luffenham Community Centre:

  • 17th May 2021 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)
  • 21st June 2021
  • 19th July 2021
  • 16th August 2021
  • 20th September 2021
  • 18th October 2021
  • 22nd November 2021
  • 20th December 2021
  • 24th January 2022
  • 21st February 2022
  • 21st March 2022
  • 18th April 2022 (Annual Parish Meeting)

NLPC and Trust Extraordinary Meetings (Virtual) Monday 26th April @ 7.30pm

Please find attached the agenda and finance papers for the above meeting.

This is a virtual meeting and here is the link:

Join with Google

Annual Parish Meeting (Virtual): Monday 19th April 2021 7.30pms this is to be a virtual meeting

Attached below is the agenda for the above meeting along with some breifing notes. Also attached are the minutes from the Annual Parish meeting held on the 18th March 2019. No meeting was held in 2020 due to ‘lockdown one’

This is an opportunity to hear what the Parish Council has been doing over the past 12 months plus for parishoners to raise any questions or concerns that are going on in the Parish

As this is to be a virtual meeting via Zoom, here is the link

Annual Parish Meeting
Time: Apr 19, 2021 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 6757 5090
Passcode: 738000

NLPC and Trust Meetings (virtual) 29th March 2021 @7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above meetings:

Here is the link to the meetings:

Join with Google

Minutes of the NLPC and Trust Meetings held on Monday 22nd February 2021

Please find attached the minutes of the above meetings.

Please also note that the date of the next meetings have changed from Monday 22nd March to Monday 29th March 2021. This is to allow Cllrs to attend an RCC meeting in connection with the development of St Georges Barracks that has been scheduled for the 22nd March

NLPC and Trust Meetings (Virtual). Monday 22nd February 7.30pm

Please find attached the papers for the above mentioned meetings. For those wanting to attend here is the link:

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