Category Archives: Parish Council Meetings

The latest meeting agendas and minutes issued by the Parish Council

Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 1st July 2019 @7pm, Community Centre

Please find attached the agenda and supporting papers for next Mondays meetings of the Parish Council and Trust meetings

Annual Parish Council and Trust Meetings Monday 20th May @7pm NL Community Centre

Please see below the agendas and supporting papers for the above meetings.

Parish Council Meeting Dates 2019-2020

Dates for 2019-2020 Parish Council and Trust Meetings

All meetings will be at 7pm and at the Community Centre unless otherwise advised

20th May 2019: Annual Parish Council Meeting

1st July

2nd September

21st October

2nd December

20th January 2020

2nd March

20th April 2020: Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 18th March 2019 @ 7pm

Please note the change of date for this years Annual Parish Meeting which is now to be held on the above date at the Community Centre.

The change is due to the forth coming Parish Elections on the 2nd May as we needed to avoid restrictions being placed on the meeting due to Purdah. An agenda for the meeting will be issued shortly

Parish Council and Trust Meeting 4th March 2019 @ 7pm

Attached are the Agendas and papers for the above meetings

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council and Trust meetings 28th January 2019

Attached are the draft minutes of the above meetings along with an uptodate report from the Chair re the St Georges Barracks proposed developement

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council and Trust Meetings held on Monday 3rd Dec 2018

Below are the draft minutes for the meetings mentioned above along with the meeting dates for 2019 through to April 2020


Further to our previous publication regarding an EGM on 20 Sep 18, please find attached a revised Agenda for the Parish Council EGM to be held on Thu 20 Sep at 8pm in the Community Centre.

PBG Cummings   Chair NLPC

NLPC EGM 20 Sep 18 – Agenda Amdt 1